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Julie Goodnight and Heidi Melocco

Julie Goodnight shares her lessons on her RFD-TV show, Horse Master (also online at, and through clinics and expos. Heidi Melocco ( is a lifelong horsewoman, equine journalist, and photographer.

How to Desensitize Your Horse

Horses are sensitive, but also easy to desensitize. With anything new, a horse will likely react at first. That’s his…

6 years ago

Horses Behaving Badly

Horses crave structure, consistency, praise and even discipline. In a herd setting, horses feel safe when they know that there’s…

6 years ago

Essential Skills: Leading Mistakes

You teach your horse how much to respect you and your space each time you lead him. While you may…

6 years ago

Western Lesson: Fast No More

Is your horse a whiz at speed events, but tough to slow down when you want a calmer ride in…

6 years ago

Purposeful Groundwork

Some riders believe that their horse doesn't need purposeful groundwork, others swear by it. Read on to learn more about…

6 years ago

Trail Training Club

Trail riding during a large, organized trail ride can be relaxing and fun—if your horse is willing to fall in…

6 years ago

Get on Board

If getting in the trailer isn’t your horse’s favorite activity, making sure that you know where to be can ensure…

6 years ago

Canter Boot Camp Part 3: Overcoming Fear for a More Controlled Canter

Not having a controlled canter is scary. If your horse has acted up at the canter by bucking or bolting…

6 years ago

Canter Boot Camp Part 2: Keeping the Canter

Catch up with Part 1 of Julie Goodnight's Canter Boot Camp series here. Maintaining the canter can be difficult, follow…

6 years ago

Canter Boot Camp Part 1: On Cue

Cantering. One word can return images of freedom and adventure or fear and even panic. Here, we’ll talk about the…

6 years ago