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Horse Hoof Care

Feed to Prevent Founder

We all love to see our horse enjoying a graze on delicious spring grass. But that pasture your horse eats…

1 year ago

Answering 6 Questions About Equine Osteoarthritis

Early on in her training, the mare was labeled as a hot off-track Thoroughbred, but was that really her M.O.?…

2 years ago

Horse Hoof Crack Rundown

Feet are the foundation of the horse; everything starts from the bottom up. “There is more blood supply to the…

2 years ago

Happy Feet: Helping Your Horse Have Healthy Hooves

We’ve all experienced the disappointment of preparing for a ride or a show only to find out that your horse…

3 years ago

Funky Feet: 5 Serious Hoof Conditions

The hooves of horses are a remarkable thing. Strong and tough, yet also delicate, their health affects your entire horse’s…

3 years ago

Building Your Horse Care Dream Team

Building your horse care dream team is a huge step. You’ve welcomed a new horse into your family, or decided…

3 years ago

Spring Conditioning: Get Your Horse Fit

There are many reasons for a horse to have some time off, such as resting up after a strenuous competition…

3 years ago

How to Pick Hooves

The foot is the foundation of a healthy horse, so it’s important to know how to safely pick out a…

4 years ago

Fall Wellness Countdown for Your Horse’s Care

Each season change brings its own set of challenges and opportunities. Here are the most important checkpoints to carefully consider…

4 years ago

Emergency Response: Dealing with Trail Riding Emergencies

Trail riding is a fun opportunity to form a lasting bond with your horse while taking in the beauty of…

5 years ago