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Horse Injuries, Wound Care, and Lameness

Learn how to deal with injuries, wound care, and lameness for your horse, including first aid for your horse with articles from Horse Illustrated magazine. Articles cover emergency response, creating a first aid kit, how to bandage an injury or take care of a wound, joint supplements, and more. Clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment, and recovery are covered.

Lameness issues include joint issues and arthritis, laminitis, catastrophic wounds, fractures and other leg injuries, tendon and ligament issues, navicular disease, ringbone, stringhalt, abscesses, nerve issues, bone cysts, etc.

When it comes to equine ownership and care, at some point riders deal with an injured horse. Knowing what to do to prevent emergencies, horse first aid and what to do during an emergency, and how to care for the horse afterward are critical for horse owners.

Manage Your Horse’s Joint Pain with Pro-Stride APS, a Non-steroidal Treatment for Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Injuries

What can I do for my horse’s joint pain? It’s a question we all ask our veterinarians at some point.…

1 month ago

Treating a Hoof Abscess

One of the most common causes of sudden-onset lameness in a horse is an abscess of the hoof. These occur…

1 month ago

Preventing Grass Founder

Read on for expert tips on how to prevent grass founder in horses. Picture this: a lush, green field with…

1 month ago

How to Manage and Treat a Hoof Abscess

Many horse owners have had the following experience: you put your perfectly healthy horse up for the night and the…

2 months ago

Treatment and Recovery of Founder in Horses

Plenty has been written about the prevention, causes, and treatment of founder, but less information is available on whether or…

3 months ago

An Overview of Laminitis

Information about laminitis in horses advances all the time, but the reality of this crippling and life-threatening disease remains the…

5 months ago

The Equine Welfare Data Collective’s Effect on Horse Rescue

There is strength in numbers, but when it comes to helping horses in need, reliable numbers have been hard to…

9 months ago

Treating Puncture Wounds in Horses

As many owners will testify, horses can find the strangest ways to get hurt. Sometimes those injuries involve a foreign…

10 months ago

Do You Need a Second Opinion for Your Horse’s Diagnosis?

Maybe one of the following scenarios sounds familiar: Your horse had a mild but persistent lameness, but you wondered about…

10 months ago

Vet Adventures: How Not to Treat a Horse’s Wound

I’d been treating my patient, a sweet Quarter Horse mare named Maizey, for almost two weeks. Maizey had been running…

10 months ago