Equine Sedation 

How Equine Sedation Is Administered

Intravenously (IV): Effects within minutes.

Intramuscularly (IM): Effects in 5–15 minutes.

Sublingual (Under the Tongue): Effects in 40 minutes.

Oral: Effects in 40 minutes.

How Do Horses Act Under Sedation?

Splayed legs and drooping head.

May sweat on neck, shoulders, or flanks.

Movements are uncoordinated but rarely fall.

How Long Does Equine Sedation Last

Duration varies by type and dosage.

Effects can last from 20 minutes to a few hours.

Deeper sedation equals a longer recovery time.

Equine sedation ensures the safety of horses and those around them during veterinary care. Proper administration and recovery precautions are essential.