Senior Horse Care 101

A veterinarian and an equine retirement facility manager offer tips for giving your senior horse all the extra tender loving care he needs to thrive.

Age-Related Concerns

As your horse ages, he is more likely to face health concerns such as arthritis, endocrine issues, a less capable immune system, dental issues, digestive issues, and a loss of muscle tone. It's important to keep an eye out for these issues.

Some of the best ways to care for your senior include routine medical care, checking saddle fit if your horse is still being ridden, paying attention to herd dynamics, adjusting your horse's diet, and turnout.

Management of the Senior Horse

While we all dread the day, these experts recommend keeping your horse in a stable location in his later days, having a euthanasia plan with your vet, and having a support person during this difficult time.

When The Time Comes