Community Guidelines for Participation


    Welcome to Our Community!

    These are just some basic rules you should follow so we can all enjoy our time here!

    You must have a full understanding of all the rules. If you are unsure about any rule, do not hesitate to ask a moderator. If you receive a warning and are unaware of the rule, it is assumed you falsely agreed to the rules during registration, which could result in a ban

    When participating in our community, there are a few simple rules we ask each member to follow:

    1. Communicate in a friendly and respectful manner.
    It’s OK to share your opinions and to disagree, we simply ask that you do so without attacking another member in the process.

    If you feel you have been personally attacked in our community, don’t respond with an attack of your own. Instead, e-mail the Moderator to alert us of the problem.

    2. Keep it clean.
    Profanity and obscenities will not be tolerated. This includes masked profanity where letters are substituted with special characters.

    3. Don’t instigate arguments.
    Content intended to inflame or disrupt the community is not allowed. This includes harassment of fellow members and the community team, links to inappropriate content, racial, ethnic, religious, or other slurs as well as any name-calling. Any violation of federal or state law will not be tolerated and may result in immediate suspension from the site. For further information regarding the terms of use of this website, please click here.

    4. No solicitations.
    No unsolicited or unauthorized advertising. This includes promotion of items for personal financial gain, as well as promotion of an item or issue for the purpose of mass communication. Further, mass posting or ‘spamming’ the community is not allowed.

    Soliciting means you are persuading other members to buy something, try a new service, visit another website, etc., where the members may or may not have interest in doing so.
    The private messaging system is for you to exchange advice, learn, and have fun. Using the private messaging system and message board as a means of mass communication for solicitation is strictly prohibited. Report abuse to the moderator by forwarding the private communication. We must have proof to stop future abuse.

    5. Don’t share personally identifiable information.
    To protect your privacy and to ensure your online safety, we ask that you do not post personally identifiable information. This includes phone numbers, address, instant messaging screen names (AOL, ICQ, Yahoo, MSN, etc,) or web address leading to such information. Further, we ask that you do not share someone else’s personally identifiable information.

    6. Don’t post copyrighted material.
    We ask that you do not post any copyrighted or trademarked material unless you have the express written consent of the owner to do so. The Animal Network is not responsible for any posts that infringe on copyright laws. If a copyright has been broken, you may be held legally responsible.

    7. Respect our Community Team
    The community team does its best to maintain the integrity and standards of the community areas. Should a problem arise in the community, we ask that you assist the community team by paying attention to its posts and following any directions the team provides.

    8. Signatures
    Your signature is not to exceed 500 pixels by 200 pixels.


    If all the contents of your signature do not fit into the above space, your signature is too big. The lone exception is text. Text may go further right than the edge of the box because it wraps naturally. However, all images must fit in this area. You may have as many images in this area, but they can’t exceed the boundaries, and no one image can exceed any boundary.

    Your total signature images must be less than 100K in size. To find how large your signature is, right click your image and choose “Properties” to see what your file size is. Please note: Animated images are big in file size.

    The rules and guidelines of the community apply to signatures as well.

    9. External links
    Linking to other sites is allowed, however, please adhere to the above rules when posting links.

    10. Keep on topic
    Please keep all postings and subject matter relevant to the activities on this website. This is a forum where all members share and give advice and information. It is not a place to gossip, rant, or rave about subject matters not pertaining to the discussion.

    These rules are here for your protection. They ensure we maintain a fun, safe and supportive environment where members can talk about the animals they adore. Members who continually break these rules are subject to account suspension and are no longer eligible for participation in our community.

    Now that you know the rules, we invite you to join in our community and look forward to your participation. Welcome!


    1. People need to stop putting pictures of show horses that do not belong to them in for their profile. there is a copywright law against this

    2. This is an awful community.
      Not only do the HC editor and admin allow Trolls and other disruptive users to join, they allow names with very specific body parts, and also DO NOTHING in the way of locking threads which need to be removed. You can post a complain, PM a complaint – but nothing is done about it. You’re lucky if you see any action within a week. They also ask for your opinions and feedback. Do you want something new on the forums? WELL TOOOOOO BAD. Make all the suggestions you want; they will be shot down immediately. Horse Channel has zero regard for it’s community members, specifically for those that are senior members and have been with the site for a long time. No wonder it has a bad rep anymore.

    3. i’ve been having a blast on HC and have only had one disrespectful blogger in the year plus that i’ve been on. i look forward to hearing what my HC friends are doing and have learned alot from the teens on how to download and upload. i’m a 50+ senior and haven’t had any disrespect for that either! HC ROCKS!!

    4. Help. I am a new horse owner. My 13 yr old has been riding for 3 yrs and we just purchsed a mare wo is 20. She was great when we got her, but after a very LONG winter she is acting out. She is western pleasdue trained.has been retired for a few years and is now being asked to do western pleasure again. She has begun to pull her heed up when riding, she will also stop and not go forward, or try to leav the ring. Any ideas on what is going on? Is she sour? Are there some tricks for us to show her her rider is charge not her? Also one more question. we have a vet who id very unprofessinal. she is never on time and she doesnt explain things to me (because Im new) she shows up 2 to 3 hrs late if at all. I have ooked and she seems to be the only one around here. is this the norm. she is in demand so we have to deal with what she does? Spoke with a few local barns and they too use her? so do I deal with her or look else where?


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