American Horse Council Announces Grassroots Effort


In order to better represent and serve the horse industry in Washington, the American Horse Council (AHC) and member organizations are initiating a direct grassroots effort dubbed the Congressional Cavalry Program.

The program’s aim is to have at least one member of participating AHC organizations in each Congressional District across the nation agree to contact a Representative, Senator or other federal official when asked.

The AHC, a member-supported organization, represents the horse world by communicating with Congress, federal agencies, the media and the industry on behalf of all horse-related interests.

“If we can involve just one member in these organizations in each Congressional district across the country, think of the potential effect that could have about issues important to the industry,” says AHC President Jay Hickey.

The Council encourages horse owners, breeders, veterinarians, trainers, competitors, recreational riders, shows, stables and others who desire to be involved in grassroots efforts to join the AHC program.

“Congressional Cavalry activities may include visits with members of Congress in Washington, back in their home district [or] invitations for members of Congress to visit your facility, event or activity,” Hickey says.

When there is a need for grassroots lobbying, individuals will be mobilized and the AHC will provide participants with whatever information necessary.

For more information, contact your participating equine association or the AHC at


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