Argentina Largest Exporter of Horsemeat

Argentina reported over $87 million in horsemeat exports

According to a report from Argentina’s Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food Secretary, Argentina became the world’s leading exporter of horsemeat during 2007. According to the report, 35,755 tons of horsemeat — the equivalent of $87.5 million (U.S.) — was exported out of the country. Russia took the most meat, followed by Holland and France.

“Demand is sustained and strong; we can expect a good year for Argentine horsemeat, given its quality, price and added value,” the report said.

The United States and Canada were the main world exporters of horsemeat behind Argentina during 2007. However, with the shutdown of U.S. horse slaughter plants in 2007, the United States won’t make the list in 2008.


  1. I can’t believe that horsechanel would put up such a thing! I’m outraged!Just keep on bringing up to us stuff about horse meat! Just leave it alone and let congress deal with it:(

  2. That’s sickening. The picture was enough to make me mad. Thank you for bringing this important issue to the forefront.

  3. :O This is disgusting!!!!!!!! The people who love horses on this site won’t really appreciate an article about horses being turned into a hot dog!! What a horrible thought.


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