Register now for the AAEP Healthy Horses Workshop


AAEP Healthy Horses WorkshopThere’s no better time to plan a trip to sunny San Diego because the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) is hosting its ninth annual Healthy Horses Workshop, to be held Dec. 6 in America’s Finest City. The event offers seminars addressing health topics important to horse owners and features world-renowned veterinary experts. As a special treat, eventing’s Olympic silver medalist Gina Miles will be on hand at the workshop to talk about her Olympic experience.

The topics and speakers for the event are:

—Eye Diseases for Horse Owners: No More Blind Horses!
Dennis Brooks, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ACVO

—Gina Miles: What It Takes to Win Silver
Gina Miles

—Pain-Free Saddle Fitting for You and Your Horse: Part I & II
Joyce Harman, DVM

—One-Step Horsemanship: Training and Control from the Ground
David Hayes, DVM

—Nutrition: Unlock the Key to Horse Health
Lydia Gray, DVM, MA

—Olympic Equine Medicine: Experiences as an Emergency Treating Veterinarian for Five Olympic Games
Sharon Spier, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ACVIM

The Workshop takes place from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at San Diego’s Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel in conjunction with the AAEP 54th Annual Convention. The pre-registration fee through November 10 is $70; on-site registration is $85. Lunch is included with the cost of registration.

To register, visit You also may register for this event by calling the AAEP office at (800) 443-0177. Seating is limited and on-site registration will be offered based on space availability.



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