HorseChannel Newswire


Equine Welfare

Is Montana the new home of horse slaugter?
In the aftermath of Montana Governor Schweitzer’s non-action, HB 418, a bill that bars Montana’s citizens from taking court action against the building of a horse slaughter plant, became law. From Read more >>

SPCA takes custody of miniature horses
For the second time in five years, authorities have confiscated a small herd of miniature horses from a Waller County breeder because of suspected neglect. From The Houston Chronicle. Read more >>

In Other News

Boy dies and girl injured in separate donkey incidents this week
A boy has died and a girl has been injured in two separate donkey incidents this week. From Horse and Hound. Read more >>

Mine That Bird already back to work
Mine That Bird is the little horse that could. He just keeps chugging along, surprising everyone and making new fans every day with his remarkable resiliency. From ESPN. Read more >>

Zac Posen Produces Horse Show
We all have interests which are far from our actual job. Fashion designers do have hobbies too. From The Insider. Read more >>

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