Free Rein: Horseaholic Goes Shopping


I have been a horseless rider for almost two years now. Horselessness is a common affliction that many of us face at one time or another. Here on the HI staff, Assistant Editor Allison is my horseless hero. This intrepid Texan has a different horse lined up to ride every day of the week. And Associate Editor Kim has found long-term bliss with her steady lease. (Follow their adventures on our editorial blog at

After losing Teddy, I wasn’t quite ready for another horse. I told myself that the smart thing to do was hold tight and save money; take lessons and ride other people’s horses for a while. And of course when the recession hit, I felt understandably spooked by the dire reports of financial experts.

So I’ve been sitting on my checkbook and keeping a tight rein on my urges to go horse shopping. But now I’m ready and have started the search for an equine to call my own again. It’s both exciting and terrifying at the same time—just like a blind date.

Horse trading is not something on my résumé. I leased Teddy for a long time before I actually bought him, so I knew him quite well, and he already owned my heart. It was one-stop shopping with satisfaction guaranteed. This time around, however, the field is wide open. I’d love to hear how you found your dream horse and how you knew when you found “the one.” Or, share your coping strategies as a horseless rider.

E-mail and tell us about your experiences.

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