American Paint Horses: Tuff Cat


In honor of the American Paint Horse Association’s 50th anniversary in 2012, is featuring some famous horses from the breed’s history.

Tuff Cat

Tuff Cat

Image courtesy APHA
Bandit's Pinto
Bandit’s Pinto
Calamity Jane
Calamity Jane
Wahoo King
Wahoo King
Yellow Mount
Yellow Mount
Tuff Cat
Tuff Cat
Painted Joe
Painted Joe
RR Star
RR Star
Colonels Smokingun
Colonels Smokingun
Zippos Sensation
Zippos Sensation
Color Me Smart
Color Me Smart

Tuff Cat won two firsts and one second in the three go-rounds to capture the stallion class at the 1964 National Championship Show and earn the first APHA registration in 1965. The APHA was created in a merger between the APSHA and the American Paint Quarter Horse Association, which had been created to register non-solid offspring of registered AQHA parents.

Learn more about American Paint Horses in Horse Illustrated’s breed profile


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