Featured Video: Beach Ride


Is the cold, dreary weather getting you down? Are you stuck in a cubicle, pining for a weekend in the saddle? We can’t convince your boss to let you leave early, but we can offer you this rider’s-eye-view of a beach ride in Texas. A rider filmed a day at the beach with her friends aboard their trusty Paso Finos, Tennessee Walkers and Spotted Saddle Horses. Live vicariously through them for a moment…you can almost feel the ocean breeze on your face.


Now get back to work!

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  1. WOW, just beautiful, no I don’t have to call in to watch this. I’m happy to be home a new found retired person. Loving my horse’s as well. I love that stallion that you rode in the beginning and end, his canter is just so smooth! And his mane flowing in the wind! Many Prayers going out for Cilia also for her surgery to be a success!

  2. what a way to spend time with good friends Celia is fortunate to have such great friends hope surgery will take care of all the cancer

  3. I think this is the best I have seen in a long while. I would love to know which beach they were on and if there is a horse camp near. I would love to spend some time there. It is beautiful.
    I too will pray for Celia. Hope she came through the surgery fine and is ready to ride again.


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