Off-the-track Thoroughbred Resources


    Off-the-track Thoroughbreds (OTTBs) are talented, athletic horses that excel in just about every equestrian sport. As the horse industry has begun to focus on post-racing adoption and retraining, more and more riders are discovering that with the right training and care regimen, an OTTB can be the horse of their dreams.

    Adopt a Thoroughbred


    Slideshow: A Second Chance for Thoroughbreds
    Each year more than 30,000 Thoroughbreds are registered with the Jockey Club. Out of that annual foal crop, one will go on to fame as a Kentucky Derby winner at age three. A few more will accomplish notable racing careers, and many of them, particularly mares, will move on to a life as breeding stock.

    Starting Over With Off-the-Track Thoroughbreds Part One
    Not everyone wants a fancy warmblood with European bloodlines. And, quite frankly, not everyone can afford one. Despite the trend toward warmbloods in the show-ring, there are many diehard Thoroughbred fans. The Thoroughbred is an athletic, courageous horse with a great deal of aesthetic appeal and one that can still hold his own in various sporthorse endeavors.

    Starting Over With Off-the-Track Thoroughbreds Part Two
    In Part One: Teaching Aids for Riding, Not Racing, we offered some firsthand tips and expert advice on how to begin reschooling the off-the-track Thoroughbred (OTTB) for a new career. It can be a tough assignment, but by understanding how a racehorse is taught to gallop at the track, and being consistent as you introduce new skills such as half-halts and downward transitions, you’re on your way to enjoying a dependable performance horse.

    Off-Track Thoroughbred Let-Down Time and Nutrition
    A “let-down period” refers to the time off, whether several weeks or several months, given to an off-the-track-Thoroughbred (OTTB) to alleviate body soreness and let any medications clear from his system.

    The Ex-Racehorse Factor
    If you’re in the market for a horse with intelligence, stamina and athletic ability to spare, perhaps you’ve considered an off-the-track Thoroughbred. There are thousands of them coming off the racetrack every year, many of which are still sound enough for long careers as riding horses. One of the appealing things about Thoroughbreds off the track is that they are usually much more affordable than European warmbloods and other sport-bred horses.


    1. omg.i would love to have a retired race horse.i would make him the best trail horse every.i wonder how you could get a horse like that.

    2. My very first horse was a retired Thoroughbred. After having learned to ride on a Quarter Horse, the Thoroughbred was like having graduated from a Chevy to a Jaguar. I love both breeds, but my experience with my Thoroughbred was something I will never forget. He was not as high-strung as I had been led to expect. He was a wonderful horse.

    3. I Love my OTTB mare! They are NOT at all ashigh strung as people lead you to believe. I love my Thoroughbreds, and I not sure I would ever want a different breed!

    4. Our organization, After The, does this rehab and rehome mission for retired racehorses. Please see our website and facebook page for contact information. Our horses are wonderfully cared for and personally matched to riders.B

    5. I have a lovely semi-retired TB gelding named Jackson. We all adore him because he is a gentle giant over 16.2 hands! He is a boomerang horse; meaning that we had him before, then traded him for a pony. he recently found his way back to us and was in need of my TLC. I’m hoping he can stay with us forever because he loves it here with his buddies Sam and Ebony!

    6. I bought two OTTBs sight unseen in Oct 2009. They got their let down period lasting 2 mos for him and 3 mos+ for her because she had an injury. It’s been a trip for sure! Since the corn was still in the field because of large amounts of rainfall, the horses did not like those combines and grain trucks out there. Even the sound of wind rustling through the (dry) corn causing it to sway back and forth startled them. The majority of spooks are over, however, we came to the conclusion that there are lions in the garden haha!!

    7. i am studieng to be an equine vet tech i also work with thorougbreds on and off the track have noticed a lot of horses come off the track with big knees why is this happening?


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