You Tell Us: Horsey New Year’s Resolutions for 2014


The New Year is here, and all across the world, people are resolving to make improvements in their lives. We asked our Facebook fans to share their horse-related resolutions for 2014. Some of their ideas are below. Got an idea to share? Click “Submit a Comment” at the bottom of this page and tell us how you’re going to make this year your best year yet.

I am going to become a first time horse owner this year. I’ve waited 57 years and I want a long-term relationship with one sweet horse.
— Naomi L.

I hope to certify my miniature horse, Pongo, to become a therapy horse and visit schools and hospitals to help people. I already take him to pet events and everywhere I can.
— Mindy A.



My resolution is to help the younger kids at the barn to learn something new about horses. I plan to encourage them to try showing and improve their horsey skills because they are the future of the riding world. There is nothing better than seeing a young rider smiling when they have learned something new on a horse.
— Riley S.

I am quite a crafty person and used to make various things. I am going to make a lot more this year, rent a booth at the Christmas craft show, sell my stuff and donate all the money to a horse rescue group.
— April K.

My mare and I resolve to improve our fitness levels, tone up and lose some extra pounds (15 for me and about 100 for her!)
— Pamela S.

My new year’s resolution is to pay more attention to my 23-year-old gelding’s health. I want to keep him happy and healthy for as long as I can. I want to remember to take it a little slower and just let him have fun after all his years of hard work.
— Hannah S.

I hope to finally become a first time horse owner this year after years of riding other peoples’ horses. Also, I will complete my PATH therapeutic riding instructor certification. After all, 2014 is the year of the horse. Good things are to come!
— Tanya S.



I am going to get over my fear of cantering and trust my horse!
— Ellen F.

After growing up riding horses, I have spent the last 10 years on a hiatus while I finished school and had my three amazing kids. This year I have made a promise to fill the void in my soul that has been left since I haven’t had horses in my life.
— Marissa F.

I spend a lot of time with my horses at the barn, but I would say that I resolve to spend more time riding them. It’s not easy to do all the chores, work full time and ride.
— Marie-Justine R.

I’m going to start my rescued Arabian over jumps. He had to gain a lot of weight and I had to lose some, but we’ve worked together and are almost there!
— Lizah M.

I’m pursuing my goal of pro barrel racing and making it to more rodeos and improving my times and performance.
— Lauren S.

Getting back into the show ring after a four year hiatus. I’m not looking to get a ribbon or even place, just looking forward to hanging out with great people doing what I love to do.
— Maggie M.



I resolve this year to get to the point that I can start jumping. Maybe one day I will catch up to my daughter! I dreamed about owning and really riding horses my whole life—not just trail rides on other people’s horses whenever I could grab the chance. My husband and I made those dreams come true and have focused on helping my daughter reach her goals, but now that she is well on her way, I want to start making my dreams come true too.
— Terry D.


  1. What an inspiring list of resolutions – so much of which is not about money, or land or luck, but about applying our mental energy and a constructive attitude to achieving what we want! Good luck everyone!

  2. I have many resolutions in which I cannot do for several years down the road (which is: own a horse and do SO much with my horse! Don’t have one yet…), but, I am making one (1) VERY important goal this year: Reading the Bible.
    I do have many others to do (of course, my horse resolutions will come in time…when I get a horse), but reading the Bible is the main one right now. 🙂
    HAPPY NEW YEARS DAY!!!!! It’s 2014!!! Whoo hoo!

  3. I resolve this year to learn how to trust my horse and my own riding skills. For too long have I been a captive of my own fears and anxieties. They are now just holding me back from having a great relationship with my horse and enjoying that relationship to the fullest.

  4. I want to ride more this coming summer. I feel relaxed and at ease when I am on my horse on the wooded trails. Riding is a way of calming all that is ailing me!

  5. I want to ride more this coming summer. I feel relaxed and at ease when I am on my horse on the wooded trails. Riding is a way of calming all that is ailing me!

  6. I want to get my mare Cece and I in better shape for some opens shows this year, and to do more trail riding because my horse LOVES the trails and so do I!!!


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