Let’s Hear it for Moms!


Some moms are avid equestrians who introduced their kids to the joy of horses. Others prefer to keep their feet on the ground and support their children’s riding career from the sidelines. In celebration of Mother’s Day, we asked our Facebook community to tell us how their moms helped shape their horsey lives. Here are some of the responses we received. Share your own in the comments below or over on our Facebook page.

Mother's Day


My mom started riding western after I had already been at an English barn for a few years. She absolutely fell in love with horses and with the culture. She only got to ride for a year before she passed away. Her dream was to own a horse of her own. I know that she would have cared for her horse with the same incredible love and support that she always gave to me.
— Caty M.

Although she herself was never a horsewoman, my mom supported me 100% from the beginning – whether that meant getting up at 3:00 AM before a show, holding my horses and/or grooming them, or just being there for me. I am so thankful to have her as my mother.
— Kimberly G.

My Mom was the best sideline supporter, ever. And she also deserves a special mention for the countless times she muscled my unruly hair into a nice, tidy bun. I’m 38 and I still can’t do that.
— Dalia G.

Once I turned 3, my mom began taking me up to a local barn for pony rides. Pretty soon it turned into lessons, shows, and eventually owning my own horse. She did not know much about horses, but boy did she learn fast. She was there with me every step of the way, braiding my horse, helping me bathe them, and even standing there holding my horse for as long as it took once I figured out how to do it all myself. In doing so, she taught me commitment and hard work. When there were volunteers needed to help set up or take down a course, she was out there in that ring no matter how hot or rainy the weather. She was the backbone of my riding career, and the reason most of the home shows at my local barn even happened. I went away to college four years ago and she visited my horse at least once a week to take care of him when I couldn’t be there. Without her, I would have been forced to sell my best friend. I had just over one semester left of school when she passed away last October. Every time I go to the barn, I think back to all that she did in order to give me such a fulfilling life with horses because I couldn’t picture the person I would be today without her and without horses. They are my passion and my life. I continue to ride for her and everything she represented.
— Karisa G.

My mom grew up on horses and passed the love of them on to me. Taught me how to ride and care for my babies. And now even though she can no longer ride she’s the first person I call with an issue or to share how awesome a ride went. Love my momma!
— Heather W.

My mom has always loved horses and passed that love down to me. When I was younger, we couldn’t afford to both ride, so she helped me feed, turnout horses and clean stalls every week to help pay for my lessons and eventually board my first horse. She watched me ride and supported me even though she wasn’t riding. Now she has her own horse and rides all the time.
— Heather G.

My mom is scared to death of horses. She was always there at lessons and shows doing what ever she could and cheering me on. I did however get her to do a parent lead line class which she was so brave and even placed fifth.
— Stacey D.

My Mom didn’t grow up with horses but we got in the hobby when i was younger. She always encouraged and supported horseback riding lessons for my younger sister and I. I have many fond horse memories with my Mom and owe her tremendously for giving us the ability to own horses and learn the responsibility that comes with it. She was always my cheerleader and my right hand at horse shows. She helped take care of my horse while I was away at college, including a medical eye issue that required putting eye drops and ointment into his 2 times a day, for a year, which ended up saving his eye. For that, my horse and I are forever grateful. I am happy that as I am grown now my mom is able to take lessons for herself and focus on her mare after so many years of being on the sideline for my sister and I. My favorite moments are when we take trail rides and just get to talk.
—Erin C.

My mom was a “Horse Show Mom.” That means she was a truck driver, hair stylist, groom, record keeper, trip planner, hoof black applier, saddle polisher, early morning riser…..I could go on and on. My Horse Show Mom was my #1 fan even when I didn’t have the best ride. I’m so thankful to have so many memories of horse showing with Mom.
— Cash M.

I was blessed with an awesome horse mom! She was a hunter jumper rider as a little girl and a jockey/exercise rider up until she was pregnant with me. She taught me so much and helped train an OTT with me. We both love horses so much.
— Amanda S.

My mom was never a horse person, but mistakenly thought that I would outgrow my ‘horse stage’. But as I got older, she realized that I was actually serious, and made every sacrofice she possibly could for me to ride, work at different stables, and she would drive me to shows. She also saw it as an opportunity to teach me about discipline, by making me buy my own tack, my own supplies, and eventually my own horse. She also taught me responsibility in taking care of another being, respecting another being, and how to work as a team. Still a non-horse person, my mom is still my biggest supporter, teacher, and friend.
— Abby P.

My mom was my instructor for many years. She grew up riding hunt and saddle seat on a variety of breeds. She passed her knowledge (all self taught and hard earned) on to me and introduced me to Morgans and American Saddlebreds! She was the woman who took me from up-down-up-down to the show ring, to photographing horse shows professionally. She even helped me “teach” a few lessons when I was maybe 15. I am now a certified instructor and have my dream job!
— Deanna B.

Ya my mom taught me that when you get bucked off in a river with ice on the edge to get back on and ride home to Grannie. I was six years old…made me who I am today! We are going to ride on Mother’s Day and she is turning 80 this year!
— Sherril S.

My mom had no interest in horses, and still doesn’t! But she supported me 100% in my love of them, hauling me to lessons for years, and when I finally bought my own horse 4 years ago she was the first one I called. All she said was, “It’s about time!”
— Sarah J.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms! Don’t forget to send your mom an equine e-card.


  1. Nice. I love my mother but she has no interest in horses and never supported my horse craziness. She still doesn’t understand it after all these years.

  2. My Mom was always afraid of horses, but she sure supported me. Even made me saddle pads, and help me make a clown outfit for the parade.

  3. My mom is scared of horses but she does the best to encourage me and my passion I do have friends that I call my horse moms because they are more that willing to help me.

  4. Good or bad horse Mom’s, they are the only Mom we have, and remember what it was like, when your own children, want just the opposite of what you think is best for them.


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