Tail Lights Aren’t Just for Cars Anymore; Now Your Horse Can Have Them Too

The lights come in various colors, including blue, pink, red and green. Photo via Kickstarter

If you like to ride your horse when it’s dark out, extra precautions must be taken. You want to always wear a helmet, never go alone, prep your horse, etc. One of the most important precautions you can take is wearing reflective gear. Tail Lights Rider Safety System is providing that preparation with tail lights for your horse. Literally. These are lights for your horse’s tail (they connect to the tail using a wrap) as well as for the front of your horse (a light connects to the breast collar). The front unit is diffused so that your horse’s vision is not compromised.

The goal of the Tail Lights Rider Safety System is to reduce the number of horses and riders who are hit by motorists or even experience near-misses. A 2013 survey suggested that lights were the most effective way to go for this goal and this product provides 360 degrees of visibility for you and your horse, as well as several other features.

The Tail Lights Rider Safety System has several features. Photo via Kickstarter

Currently, Tail Lights has the product on Kickstarter to raise funds for the tooling of the product. According to Kickstarter, having the funds for the tooling will give Tail Lights the ability “to make the housing of both the hard plastic cases as well as the custom LED strands that [are used] for the product.” At press time, $17,055 of the $18,500 goal was raised, with 19 days left to go in the campaign.

To learn more about the Tail Lights Rider Safety System or to back the project, visit the Kickstarter campaign page.




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