Virtual Bookstore Launches for Horse Lovers

The Bookstore for Horse Lovers - horse books
Photo Courtesy Bookstore for Horse Lovers

To highlight the community of equine authors and reach readers who love horses, the Bookstore for Horse Lovers has been launched. Featuring both independently and traditionally published authors, the virtual bookstore is a unique platform dedicated to promoting authors of horse books. Readers may search authors in the following categories of featured, fiction, and non-fiction; read official author biographies; follow authors on social media; and click to websites where they can purchase each author’s books.

In addition, to celebrate the launch of the Bookstore for Horse Lovers, a contest is running Sept. 1-10 with a prize of 10 fiction and non-fiction horse books in paperback form signed by the authors. To join the contest or to find your favorite equine authors or discover new ones, visit

Bookstore for Horse Lovers LogoThe virtual Bookstore for Horse Lovers was created by Heather Wallace, an award-winning author of the non-fiction titles Confessions of a Timid Rider, which details her insights about being an anxiety-ridden but passionate horse lover, and Girl Forward: A Tale of One Woman’s Unlikely Adventure in Mongolia. She is also well known for her blog, The Timid Rider, which chronicles her journey as a returning adult equestrian.


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