More Horsey DVDs on Tap


With winter days approaching, it’ll soon be time to round a bunch of horsey flicks for viewing on those days when you can’t ride. There’s good news if you or your young barn buddies are fans of The Saddle Club TV series. Allumination FilmWorks, Inc. has recently released “Horse of a Different Color” and “Storm at Pine Hollow,” two full-length films on DVD from the hit TV series based on the best-selling books by Bonnie Bryant. The new releases are available at major retail outlets in the U.S. and Canada.
The Saddle Club TV series follows the adventures of Lisa, Carole, Stevie and their favorite horses. The girls face real-life challenges in the series and in the new Allumination films. The Saddle Club members are bound to each other by their friendship and love of horses. Their motto is always: “Together, we can do anything.”
“The Saddle Club is an exciting franchise to promote,” commented Cheryl Freeman, CEO and president of Alllumination FilmWorks. “There are very few properties that address the tween girl market in a real-life way. Lisa, Carole and Stevie are often faced with tough decisions and their solutions are solid choices that young girls can learn from.”


  1. i watch the saddle club on (HRTV
    (THE NETWORK FOR HORSE SPORTS)i watch them once in a while but i have almost seen them all but a few i like.


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