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Home Horse Care Horse Deworming

Horse Deworming

Deworming a horse is a necessary part of horse care to prevent infection from internal parasites. The vast majority of horse owners continue to deworm following an outdated protocol, simply rotating between different dewormers, also called anthelmintics. However, nowadays researchers and experts are recommending fecal egg count testing in order to know what the parasite load is before choosing a medication. And in some instances, one herdmate, or even several, may not need to be dewormed. Now that parasite resistance to anthelmintic drugs has become prevalent, many of the rules about the process have changed. And if you’re not changing with them, you could be doing your horse a huge disservice.

Things that fly, bite and bother your horse are in the air, and in the gut. Whether you board your horse or have your pony at home, now is the time to think about parasite control for horses to...
You’ve learned to use fecal testing and you know horses should be dewormed according to their individual needs, and not all be on the same program. But if you haven’t added a daily horse dewormer to your program, you...
Tiny creatures certainly have the ability to make our lives, as well as the lives of our horses, miserable. While we can never completely eliminate pests such as flies and parasites, we can do a lot to keep them...
Each season change brings its own set of challenges and opportunities. Here are the most important checkpoints to carefully consider this fall for care of your horse before the snow and ice arrive to make life harder. Hoof Care Fall is...
Social media platforms are lighting up about a recent Australian study on the possible antiviral effects that the drug ivermectin may have on COVID-19. However, there is little known about the effects this treatment could have. Ivermectin Not Recommended for...
Question: When was the last time you had a fecal egg count reduction test (FECRT) done on your horse?If you answered, “Within the last six to 12 months to see how my deworming program is working,” congratulations. You’re paying...
Dewormer Rotation Unfortunately, there are plenty of horse owners still following an outdated program (from the 1960s!) of deworming by rotating products and treating their horses every two months or even more often. There’s more to worry about here than...
With the warm days of spring and summer just around the corner, you and your horse are probably gearing up for a busy season. Here’s a list of some important spring horse care reminders you should tackle. Spring vaccines....
Read to learn how to have an effective horse deworming program.Picture this: You’ve moved your horse to a new boarding stable. In your initial conversation with the barn manager, she tells you that all horses will be given a...
 Ideas about deworming practices are constantly changing as research improves. Yet even with all the education available, horse owners tend to be creatures of habit, following old routines instead of adapting to updated recommendations. However, your horse’s health can...
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