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Horse Health

Horse Illustrated has hundreds of articles on horse health topics, such as certain diseases and conditions, how to improve horse wellbeing, and how to help your sick horse. Find articles about veterinary exams, dental exams, horse diseases, horse conditions, research studies on horse health, supplements, veterinary treatments, surgeries, diagnostic tools and their uses, equine emergencies, and more. Learn how to help your horse behave for the vet and the farrier, how to budget for veterinary bills, more on stretching and equine chiropractic care, rehabilitating a horse, etc.Conditions discussed include colic, laminitis, Cushing's, ulcers, arthritis, infectious diseases (West Nile, strangles, etc.), hives and other skin conditions, and many more. For owners wanting to help their equine partners feel their best, we have it all.

Evaluating Equine Fitness

BEFORE YOU GO...You will probably want to spend many hours in the saddle to see as much country as possible. Do yourself and your horse a favor and make sure the two of you are fit enough for a...
A riding vacation can supply memories for a lifetime. To ensure those memories leave you with smiles instead of regrets, explore your options and ask the right questions before choosing a trip. If you want to take a cattle drive,...
The circulars and catalogs a la equine slide through the mail chute. Unable to resist the latest horse thing, you eagerly open the first pamphlet. "Got a Poor Doer?" the glossy color brochure asks. "Feed Him Our Newest Supplement...


Acupuncture, perhaps the best-known Chinese medical technique, is not limited to humans — it is also being practiced on horses. Acupuncture is the insertion of needles in specific points (also called "acupoints") on the body to reestablish the subject's...
Three young horses

Sheath Cleaning

As a horse owner, you've no doubt come to realize that there are three topics guaranteed to raise the eyebrows of your nonhorsey friends and relatives: 1) Flushing fly eggs from your horse's eyes, 2) the productive effects of...
My old grey mare just wasn't what she used to be. At 28, Ginger's lip and back had begun to droop. She was overweight. When I took her out, she groaned and took mincing little steps. She had been...
While vaccinations can prevent or minimize disease, the effectiveness of vaccines also relies, in part, on the effectiveness of the vaccination program. Follow the guidelines below to help strengthen your program. Vaccinate the whole herd. "If you just immunize one horse...
By Rachel ParkerWe've all heard the saying, "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth." Why? Because you can determine a horse's age by looking at his teeth and it would be rude to try to put a dollar...
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