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Mare and Foal

Horse Illustrated brings you the latest in mare and foal care information from veterinary experts and breeding experts. Topics include horse breeding, how old is too old to breed a mare, what to have in your foaling kit, halter training and behavior of foals, what to do when a foal is in trouble, keeping the newborn foal healthy, weaning, hoof care, managing parasites for both mom and baby, what to do with an orphan, diseases in young horses, problems of broodmares, breeding contracts, bonding with the new baby, and so much more. Learn more about breeding and care of the new little one and the dam from Horse Illustrated.

On any given day, the average equine veterinarian may see and treat a variety of conditions, illnesses and injuries—and those are just the scheduled cases. When the cell phone rings with an emergency call, there’s no telling what kind...
You’ve waited 11 long months for your mare to produce a healthy, vibrant foal. You have painstakingly ensured that she has had the right feed, the right vaccinations and the best pre-natal care available.Now what? Here’s what to expect...
Q: I always thought that foals had to have shots pretty early on, just like human babies. My friend says they don't need vaccinations because they get antibodies from their mother when they begin nursing. Who's right? A: You both...
The Characters:"Dad” - palomino stallion "Mom” - black roan mare "Amos” - buckskin roan coltWhen I made plans to breed my mare, I considered all the important things, like the temperaments of Mom and Dad, their conformation, breed...
As the days slowly being to lengthen and we observe slight hints that spring will eventually emerge, our mares begin to notice the seasonal shift as well. Mares are seasonal ovulators, their hormones in tune with the minute shifts...
Many photos of mares and foals in books and magazines present idyllic scenes of horses in pasture settings, blessed with plenty of green grass and sunshine. If your current environment more closely resembles Siberia, you know such settings are...
Sooner or later, it’s got to happen. Separating mama and baby always causes some level of stress, but when it’s time to wean, there are definitely things you can do to make it easier—and safer—for all involved.Of course, you...
Mares are a polarizing group: People seem to either love them or loathe them. Because of this great divide, there are many myths and misconceptions about mares. However, top riders who have cracked the code know what it takes...
Regular hoof care is an important part of the health care routine for all horses, starting when they are young foals. If at all possible, begin handling the foal from the day he is born. From then on, make it...
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