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Mare and Foal

Horse Illustrated brings you the latest in mare and foal care information from veterinary experts and breeding experts. Topics include horse breeding, how old is too old to breed a mare, what to have in your foaling kit, halter training and behavior of foals, what to do when a foal is in trouble, keeping the newborn foal healthy, weaning, hoof care, managing parasites for both mom and baby, what to do with an orphan, diseases in young horses, problems of broodmares, breeding contracts, bonding with the new baby, and so much more. Learn more about breeding and care of the new little one and the dam from Horse Illustrated.

Should tragedy strike, would you know how to raise an orphan foal? Learn the basics, so you’re prepared and hopefully, you’ll never find yourself in this situation. The immediate concern is nutrition. If the mare died or had to be...
Your new foal has arrived, and you are undoubtedly thrilled at the prospect of raising him to be a strong, healthy and happy horse. His well-being will take diligent effort during these first few months. Make sure you have...
Young horses don’t have it easy. New homes, new herd mates, new careers and new routines. On top of constant changes, they have an immature immune system, which can create the perfect opportunity for an infectious respiratory disease to...
A young horse out on pasture achieves many benefits. He learns how to move his gangly frame, becoming agile and coordinated as he frolics in open spaces, particularly when he has other young buddies to run with. While young...
You’ve spent many months planning and waiting for your new foal. It’s important that you take steps to protect him during his first year of life with vaccinations that can keep him healthy and even save his life. At one...
Photo: Cheryl WintersRichard Winters, a longtime clinician and 2009 champion of the Road to the Horse colt-starting competition, believes a foal should be comfortable while standing tied by the time he's a weanling, but this should be taught in...
Newborns evoke a smile and the birth of a foal is no different. Horse owners greatly anticipate the birth of a foal and are wise to prepare the mare for the birth. “On average, a mare is pregnant 340...
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Horse Life Calendar

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Breeding season can be a stressful time for owners and horses alike. While horse owners are hustling to prepare facilities, the broodmares may be just as tense. Especially for young and maiden mares, the stress from being trailered to...
There was a good reason old Aunt Edna didn’t fancy having young children come visit. Filled with enticing nooks and crannies, trinkets and breakable objects of all kinds, her home was hardly "child proof.” While you can tell a child,...
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