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Home Horse Care Page 159

Horse Care

Horse care is the most important aspect of ownership. The topics that Horse Illustrated has covered include: behavior, deworming, grooming, farriery, dentistry, adoption, welfare, charities within the industry, overall health (such as diseases and conditions), injuries, wound care, lameness, mare and foal care, nutrition, pest control, safety, seasonal management, senior care, vaccinations, and much more.To help your horse be healthy, you will want to work with an equine veterinarian, farrier, and equine dentist. In addition, there are alternative practitioners, such as equine chiropractors, physiotherapists, massage therapists, etc. Always review the qualifications of someone before you let them help you with your equine best friend.

Getting out on the trail gives you and your horse an opportunity to enjoy a change of scenery or a new challenge. But being out on the trail also means that you may be on your own if faced...

The Stresses of Easy Living

It's a wonderful feeling to know that you're doing the best you can for your horse. When you consider how this creature generously gives both body and heart to bring you happiness, it's obvious that he deserves the finest...
Farrier nailing a shoe on to a horse's hoof

The Barefoot Life

  You’ve decided to let your horse go barefoot but are receiving conflicting advice on how to best manage him. You thought you could just have the shoes pulled and let your horse go, save for the occasional trimming.   But some...
Whenever we hear about someone’s barn going up in flames, we tend to soothe ourselves with thoughts that it is improbable that our property would suffer the same fate. Someone was probably smoking, we might think, or their electrical...
He’s tough to bridle, skittish about having his face handled, and forget clipping his ears or bridlepath. Even with a twitch, you’re in for a fight. The headshy horse can pose a danger to himself and to his handler.If...
After his long winter off, you’ve put your horse through a springtime conditioning regimen, and he’s ready for competitions, weekend camping trips or plenty of pleasure riding on the local trails. You’ve been slowly putting him through his paces,...
Like people, some horses seem to stay fat off the smell of an empty feed sack, while others can consume enough calories to, well, choke a horse without gaining a pound. Few equine management challenges are more distressing than...
1. Ask your vet about adding vegetable oil or an essential Omega-3 fatty acid supplement to your horse’s well-balanced diet for added shine. 2. Sponging your horse’s face clean after exercise helps prevent fungal hair loss. 3. Keep different sized...
There once was a time when deworming was deemed a fairly straightforward task. Simply rotate between chemical classes in the appropriate season, and you could move on to more interesting equestrian pursuits. But it’s not quite that simple anymore....
 Like a bike with a flat tire or a tennis racket with a broken string, a horse with poor hooves has limited usefulness. But how to keep a horse’s hooves in their best condition is an often discussed and...
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