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Horse Care

 Horse care is the most important aspect of ownership. The topics that Horse Illustrated has covered include: behavior, deworming, grooming, farriery, dentistry, adoption, welfare, charities within the industry, overall health (such as diseases and conditions), injuries, wound care, lameness, mare and foal care, nutrition, pest control, safety, seasonal management, senior care, vaccinations, and much more.To help your horse be healthy, you will want to work with an equine veterinarian, farrier, and equine dentist. In addition, there are alternative practitioners, such as equine chiropractors, physiotherapists, massage therapists, etc. Always review the qualifications of someone before you let them help you with your equine best friend.

From birth to 2 years of age, a young horse reaches about 90 percent of his eventual adult weight and height. Also during a horse's first two years, he develops the muscles, tendons, organs and bone he'll need for...
If you have horses, chances are you'll see thrush firsthand sooner or later. Thrush is a bacterial infection, though it's thought that yeast and fungal infections might also contribute to it. With its black, tar-like, oderiferous discharge, it's easy to...
Horses are rescued for many reasons, including neglect, abuse and lack of handling. Each horse will react to life changes in his own way, yet there are basic steps rescuers take to bond with these special equines. The following was...

Catching a Horse

The rider walks out to the pasture where five horses are grazing. Carrying a halter and lead rope, she leans against a rail and watches. The horses raise their heads, flicking their ears forward. After a few minutes, they...

Deworming Tips

Providing your horse doesn't have a phobia about deworming, you can easily do the deed yourself. If you are unsure how to administer an anthelmintic follow our few tips:Since underdosing is an issue when...

Acupressure for Colic

Colic. The mere word sends shivers down horse owners' spines. Whether it's a relatively simple case of gas or a potentially deadly impaction or intestinal displacement, whenever your horse shows signs of colic, call the vet immediately.Some of these...
Have you ever brushed over a small scab on the inside of your horse's leg or noticed his reaction to a tender spot around his fetlock, but then put it out of your mind because it seemed insignificant? When...
Your mare always seems happy to see you when you arrive at the barn — nickering loudly and often galloping away from her playmates to meet you at the paddock gate when you call her name. Although it makes...
The outcome of most births in the equine world will end with a healthy foal. However once in a while things go awry and for one reason or another a foal is orphaned. Compared to a typical foal, a...

Breeding Contracts

You've found the perfect stallion for your mare and have high hopes for the foal that will result from their union. But before you send your mare for breeding, you need to take a good look at one more...
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