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Horse Care

 Horse care is the most important aspect of ownership. The topics that Horse Illustrated has covered include: behavior, deworming, grooming, farriery, dentistry, adoption, welfare, charities within the industry, overall health (such as diseases and conditions), injuries, wound care, lameness, mare and foal care, nutrition, pest control, safety, seasonal management, senior care, vaccinations, and much more.To help your horse be healthy, you will want to work with an equine veterinarian, farrier, and equine dentist. In addition, there are alternative practitioners, such as equine chiropractors, physiotherapists, massage therapists, etc. Always review the qualifications of someone before you let them help you with your equine best friend.

When you think of the term “companion horse,” one that is versatile with the ability to fill a variety of needs isn’t what usually comes to mind. However, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to...
Each year, hurricanes, wildfires, and severe storms force thousands across the country to evacuate their homes. When preparing for a potential natural disaster, it is best to follow the adage of “expect the best but prepare for the worst.”...
Welcome to Horse Illustrated’s weekly installment of the Right Horse Adoptable Horse of the Week, offered in partnership with the ASPCA's Right Horse program. This week's adoptable horse is Xanthus! Check back weekly for a new featured horse so...
Equine ulcers are a significant concern for many horse owners. Ulcers can affect all types of horses and have a variety of causes and clinical signs. Performance horses are especially prone to developing ulcers due to their lifestyle and...
Welcome to Horse Illustrated’s weekly installment of the Right Horse Adoptable Horse of the Week, offered in partnership with the ASPCA's Right Horse program. This week's adoptable horse is Vision of Elias! Check back weekly for a new featured...
Informed horse owners would never intentionally do something that could cause their horse to colic. Yet many owners unwittingly follow feeding practices that can make horses more susceptible to gastrointestinal distress and abdominal pain. Learn the most common feeding...
Making difficult care decisions for a horse that has been closer to us than many family members can be traumatizing for a horse owner. Even when we put aside our feelings long enough to do what we believe is...
Welcome to Horse Illustrated’s weekly installment of the Right Horse Adoptable Horse of the Week, offered in partnership with the ASPCA's Right Horse program. This week's adoptable horse is TJ! Check back weekly for a new featured horse so...
As horse owners, most of us have dreamed of our horse living in your own backyard. You imagine waking up to see him grazing happily when you look out your window. (But hold on to that idyllic imagery while...
Saddle fit doesn’t have to be stressful. To make sure that a western saddle fits your horse well, keep in mind that you want it to make as much contact as possible around the horse’s back so that it...
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