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Horse Pest Control

Pest control for horses involves controlling pests on the farm, such as mosquitoes, flies, rodents, snakes, bats, birds and other small animals, such as opossums, skunks, raccoons, etc. Pest control helps cut down on disease risk. Keeping unwanted pests out of pastures, paddocks and barns is a challenge for most horse owners. And understanding the health threats these animals present and why it is important to reduce their numbers can be an important way to keep our horses healthy. Let Horse Illustrated's articles give you more information about the various techniques for controlling pests on the farm for all of the various unwanted critters, especially when it comes to fly control, which is one of the biggest issues that horse owners deal with during the warmer months.

Tiny creatures certainly have the ability to make our lives, as well as the lives of our horses, miserable. While we can never completely eliminate pests such as flies and parasites, we can do a lot to keep them...
Horse owners are always trying to fight the flies and other irritating insects. With these new fly products, you can help your horse be more comfortable. Noble Outfitters Guardsman Fly Mask Flex spine creates a canopy away from the horse’s eyes....
Each season change brings its own set of challenges and opportunities. Here are the most important checkpoints to carefully consider this fall for care of your horse before the snow and ice arrive to make life harder. Hoof Care Fall is...
Nothing ruins a day at the barn faster than bothersome flies. In addition to being a nuisance, insects can cause skin conditions and other health issues.Some common concerns include allergies, hives, Sweet Itch, and Summer Sores. Horses can develop...
Fly spray tends to fall into the category of “things we use regularly, but don’t necessarily understand." Read on to learn more about fly spray labels.If you’ve owned a horse for any length of time, you’ve no doubt used...
Keeping insects away from your horse and out of your barn can seem an exercise in futility at times. While there are loads of fly-control products on the market, everyone seems to have a theory about what else can...
Sweeping, scrubbing and removing cobwebs from each stall is a ritual at Jill Girardi-Thomas’ Franklin, Tenn., barn. But all this cleaning is not just about presenting a spotless environment to her riding students and other visitors. It’s all about...
Standing water near your horse's home can become breeding grounds for mosquitoes.  Amazing how a tiny insect can cause serious problems for a 1000-pound horse, but mosquitoes can do just that.Those pesky mosquitoes are more than just annoying. They transmit...
It takes an integrated, multi-step strategy to keep flies under control. By using a combination of methods, you can target flies in the barn, on your property and on your horse. The earlier you implement fly control practices, the...
Flies always provoke some kind of reaction around a horse, whether it’s a stomp of a hoof or a swish of a tail. But some unlucky horses have an even greater reaction, one that goes far beyond a mere...
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