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Seasonal Horse Care

Seasonal horse care includes special care topics for summer, spring, winter, and fall since every season has its own horse management concerns. For instance, spring horse care involves introducing horses to lush pasture safely, spring cleaning the barn, cleaning tack areas, removing blankets, changes in feeding requirements, etc. Meanwhile, winter horse care involves possible changes to nutrition requirements, buying and using blankets, changes in shoeing or hoof care for dealing with snow and ice, how to stay warm while riding, tips for grooming the muddy winter horse, and more. Summer horse care involves added fly control and pest control methods, increasing hydration for the hot weather, showing tips for those in the midst of their show season, how to cool off a hot horse, bathing tips, keeping the horse safe while trailering in hot weather, etc. And fall horse care helps people start prepping for the colder months, such as stocking up on hay, bringing horses in during early cold snaps, whether to clip a horse in preparation for winter blanketing, dealing with possible hunters while out on the trail during hunting season, and many other topics. With the plethora of seasonal horse care topics, readers turn again and again to Horse Illustrated as the seasons change for all of the most pertinent horse care information.

With this simple article on horse blanketing at a glance, learn when a horse needs a blanket, when it's okay not to blanket, types of blankets, maintenance, and cautions for blanketing. No Blanket Can my horse stay warm without a blanket?Yes,...
If you’ve decided that your horse can benefit from wearing a blanket, his conformation will be a deciding factor in what type and fit of blanket is best. Is he slab-sided? Does he have shark-fin withers? Or is he...
Each season change brings its own set of challenges and opportunities. Here are the most important checkpoints to carefully consider this fall for care of your horse before the snow and ice arrive to make life harder. Hoof Care Fall is...
Before you head out to the barn for those long summer rides, make sure your horse is in tip-top health and care for all the fun you have planned. Skin Care The first tip for summer horse care is just like...
Q: How can I tell if my horse is cold, and what’s the best way to keep him warm in the winter?A: Horses do very well in cold temperatures, provided they are used to them and have a good...
As winter draws closer, it’s time to start thinking about your horse’s feeding plan. Many people don’t realize that their horse will need more calories to keep warm in cold weather, resulting in a seemingly sudden weight loss over...
Shoo fly, don’t bother me! Summer time is prime time for increased numbers of various types of flies that can irritate your horse and you. Put away that fly swatter because there are better measures that can be taken...
Did you know that horses can become dehydrated or get sunburn in hot weather—just like you! If you live in an area that heats up in the summer, you should protect your horse from hot-weather hazards. Here are 20...
Did you know that horses can become dehydrated or get sunburn in hot weather—just like you! If you live in an area that heats up in the summer, you should protect your horse from hot-weather hazards. Here are 20...
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