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Horse Vaccination

Horse vaccinations are critical to prevent spreadable diseases, such as rabies, tetanus, West Nile Virus, Eastern and Western Equine Encephalitis, and others. Non-core vaccines tackle equine influenza, equine herpesvirus, strangles, equine viral arteritis, rotaviral diarrhea, anthrax, and botulism. Vaccination recommendations by your veterinarian will vary by location, the horse's age, sex, breed, overall condition, whether they are likely to come in contact with wildlife or other horses, as well as other risk factors. Other topics discussed by Horse Illustrated articles include whether to vaccinate yourself or have your veterinarian vaccinate, side effects, timing of vaccines, frequency, immunity, disease risk, and more. Veterinarians and other horse care experts weigh in on this very important topic.

•  Equine Risk-Based VaccinesReading Assignment: Learn about the risk-based vaccinations recommended for some horses based on their location and lifestyle.Chart: See the AAEP guide to risk-based vaccinations.Quiz: Take these 10 questions to test your knowledge on equine vaccines. EXTRA CREDITLearn about...
The American Association of Equine Practitioners stresses the importance of vaccinating horses to protect against rabies, a deadly but preventable neurological disease, as it recognizes the World Rabies Day on Sept. 28. The AAEP strongly recommends an annual rabies vaccine as a core...
Vaccinations can protect your horse against diseases that can be serious or even fatal. There are many different types of vaccinations available, but most horses don’t need all of them. However, the American Association of Equine Practitioners recommends that...
•  Equine Core VaccinesReading Assignment: Learn about the core equine vaccines recommended for every horse by the American Association of Equine Practitioners.Video: A vet answers common questions about vaccinating your horse.Quiz: Take these 10 questions to test your knowledge on...
Woodrow Friend, DVM of Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky, explains the basics of vaccinating your horse. Click here to see all materials...
Edited Press ReleaseAnimal health experts warn that fatal cases of Eastern Equine Encephalitis and West Nile are being reported in numerous states, even in areas where activity has been low for several years.  This follows a rise in the...
Q: My horse was recently vaccinated by our vet and quite a few hours after she received the vaccine her neck muscle by her shoulder started twitching, does this mean she has an allergy to the vaccine, or is...
The Unwanted Horse Veterinary Relief Campaign (UHVRC) this spring protected 1,600 unwanted horses against critical equine diseases. Established in December 2008, UHVRC provides qualifying equine rescue and retirement facilities with complimentary equine vaccines for horses in their care. To...
When a horse is infected with rabies, the outcome is invariably fatal. But taking the simple step of ensuring an annual vaccination for your horse will nearly eliminate your horse’s risk of contracting this deadly disease. In observation of...
When vaccination time rolls around, do you know what to expect after your horse’s immunizations? Every horse owner expects their vaccinated horse to be protected from disease, but some horse owners don’t expect to see a reaction that may occur...
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