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Horse Illustrated

These articles and stories have been printed in the pages of Horse Illustrated magazine and are now archived online for anyone who loves horses.HORSE ILLUSTRATED is one of the nation’s largest all-around horse magazines. It serves the hands-on horse owner by promoting the best in horse care, riding and training. We are an all-breed, all-discipline magazine for adult readers. Our goal is to provide easily accessible information about all aspects of responsible horse ownership and issues of interest to the equestrian community.We cover:

  • Training articles that can apply to both western and English riders
  • Horse health—one of our most popular topics
  • Horse care how-tos, such as grooming and tips to help make your horse shine
  • Trail riding topics and topics from a variety of disciplines
  • Fresh ways to approach season horse care topics, such as deworming, senior horse care, fly control, and more
  • Interviews with celebrities that ride or own horses; fun and quirky Q&As with leading competitors of various disciplines, as well as short profiles of interesting people in the horse world
  • Humor, first-person pieces, human-interest stories, and rider-to-rider advice
  • Equestrian travel and tourism, including fun destinations to horseback in
  • Rider fitness, health and well-being, diet, exercise, and tips for riders mental health
  • Style trends and décor for equestrians

Equine Motivation

 When you train a horse, it’s all about making him feel comfortable when he does the right thing and less so when he does the wrong thing.That training philosophy is based on the horse’s motivation.Horses aren’t motivated by...
By Rebecca M. DidierThere’s something equestrians need every bit as much as we need horses. Yes, the easy answer here is we need money (quite a lot of it) to pay for our equine habit—all the miscellaneous items required...
Herd of horses

Herd Bound

 You’ve heard horses labeled herd bound, gate sour, herd sour or barn sour. These terms sound like afflictions. But when we see these behaviors, it is simply because horses are drawn to others.Horses seek out other horses because...
You’ve been working hard on getting your horse into peak condition for the competitive season and have been taking him to multiple competitions. In the early part of the summer, everything was going fine, but now you’re noticing that...
 All was well a second ago.Now, all bets are off as to whether you can stay on.The alarm sounds in your brain.It’s official.You are coming off your horse.As riders, we know that falling is part of riding. No...
Once considered "alternative,” chiropractic, along with therapies such as acupuncture and massage, are now viewed by knowledgeable horsemen as "complementary.” None of these therapies will replace traditional veterinary medicine, but in the right situations, they can enhance and improve...
 Horse flies. Stable flies. House flies. Deer flies. Toss mosquitoes, gnats and ticks into the mix, and you have the bane of every horse’s (and horse owner’s) existence as you work to protect your horse from flies. As much...

Happy Trailers

 Trail riders living on expansive acreage, close to public lands, or next to accommodating neighbors are the fortunate few. Most of us have to haul out when we want to enjoy a ride in the great outdoors.It’s hard...
Here are 10 tips about how to safely load your horse into a trailer:Be safe: Wear gloves, boots, and helmet. Protect your horse’s legs during training with standing wraps or shipping boots. Use a head bumper if your...
As equestrians, we put up with a lot of pain. But what about the type of pain that "hurts so good”? That’s how I would describe foam rolling. Most athletes have a love-hate relationship with it, but the love...
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