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Home and Acreage

Many horse owners have their horse on the same property as their house along with enough acreage to support their horse's nutritional needs. Whether you want to design your own property for an overall horse home or you want tips on maintaining your farm or ranch and its acreage, Horse Illustrated has you covered with its articles on home and horse farms. Delve deeper into topics, such as arenas and footing and pastures and fencing. Topics include designing your perfect horse property, building a barn, creating an arena on site and how to maintain that arena, types of footing, pasture maintenance, managing mud, poisonous plants, types of horse fencing, what fencing to avoid, and more.

Horses are usually content to simply graze on the grasses that you want them to, but there are some poisonous plants out in the world that are bad for horses—and there are some curious horses who like to nibble...
As you gaze out at your horse’s field, it’s evident that winter is coming. The once-green color of lush grass is fading to varying shades of autumn brown. You may be thinking that this fall forage is now ok...
If you’ve ever kept a horse on pasture full-time, you may have noticed he’s calmer and more relaxed to ride than when kept in a stall, and his muscles stay fitter and looser from moving around all day. Although...
When University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment graduate student Staci McGill set out to learn more about the air quality of indoor horse arenas last year, she was surprised to discover there wasn’t any existing research...
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) and the herbicide Roundup®, which includes the active ingredient called glyphosate, continue to affect the health of our horses every day. Science has documented gastric ulcers in pigs, liver and kidney damage in rats, and...
An accurate diagnosis is the foundation for effective treatment of any equine health issue and especially so for allergic conditions that impact equine respiratory function, such as identifying equine asthma allergens. Haygain’s long-standing commitment to research has recently resulted...
Some plants can be quite toxic to horses, so it’s important to watch out for them in pastures and hay. While the complete list of poisonous plants is extensive, here are some common plants that are toxic and may...
Horse owners can attest that their days aren’t all filled with riding fun. There is plenty of work that comes along with the responsibility of horses. Tasks like daily feeding, stall cleaning, trough scrubbing and filling, and moving hay...
No matter what kind of fencing you use for your horses, it’s going to need maintenance and repairs from time to time. But here’s something to think about: autumn is a good time to work on fencing. Winter is...
Arena Lighting

Arena Lighting

Having a great new arena is a dream come true, and being able to use it at night is a bonus. But you need to put as much thought into lighting the arena as you did planning it. Michael...
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