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Horse Videos

Horse videos offer horse lovers entertainment across the web. Whether they are found on YouTube, Facebook, or created by Horse Illustrated, they can educate, inspire, and entertain. Learn more about how to take care of your horse or about a specific horse breed or watch a funny scene with a horse in it. Topics include the latest funny Super Bowl commercial, how to evaluate hay quality, past Kentucky Derby winners choosing the next winner, basic horse stretches, a new horse movie release, the equestrians of Compton, and movement of an Icelandic horse, as just some examples. Enjoy all of the entertaining horse video options on HorseIllustrated.com.

The USA Today Super Bowl Ad Meter survey that measures viewer response to ads run during the Super Bowl ranked the Clydesdale "Rocky” spot, from Anheuser-Busch, the best commercial during Sunday’s big game between the New England Patriots and...
The Budweiser Clydesdales Super Bowl ads are an annual favorite. In 2004, the horses starred alongside a little donkey with big dreams in this popular ad from Anheuser-Busch.See more Budweiser Clydesdales Brotherhood Circus Generations Fetch Journey to the Super Bowl
Are you a reining queen or a dressage diva? Does your adrenaline rise with the sight of western spins and stops, or are you left speechless during the demonstration of tempi changes and piaffes? Watch as dressage Olympian Charlotte...
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