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Horse Humor

Horse Humor articles from Horse Illustrated share the fun side of horse ownership, the humorous side, and the lighthearted side. Behind all of the work, dedication, and commitment that it takes to own a horse is a lot of laughs, fun times, and memories. Without looking at the humorous side, it can just feel like endless chores. But not for those who are passionate about horses and know not to take it too seriously. Read stories from veterinarians, amateur riders, competitors, youth, and others who have found horse humor in events and happenings and just everyday living with their horses and ponies.

My horse Wally is a western horse. He’s got a pitty-pat jog, a gentle lope and a ground-covering walk that’s a little bit “we’re on our way to someplace” but not quite “let’s get this over so I can...
Learn how this equestrian horse show braider learned to balance the time required to braid each horse at the shows with the physical demands of competing.Horse shows are just that: putting on a show. And grooming is an integral...
Read how electric floats can help take care of a horse's teeth faster and safer than hand-floating.I was proud of my new dental unit. It was a big purchase for my little practice, and accumulating fancy new equipment was...
Our fearless vet plays a game of catch as catch can with an untrained donkey.The woman was not someone I knew, but she sounded nice enough on the phone.“Hello, Dr. Diehl. I’m very worried about my donkey. I’ve had...
The call was for a pre-purchase exam on a fancy warmblood gelding. The potential buyer would not be present, but his trainer, a woman named Fiona, would be representing him and was authorized to make all decisions on the...
 The holiday season is here, and that means that across the country, relatives of horse lovers just like you are buying some really strange horse-themed items to put under the tree.When it comes to gifts, it’s the thought that...
There’s this meme I see pop up on social media every so often, and it always makes me laugh because I find it embarrassingly relatable: While the equestrian world certainly has its share of the yoga-doing, clean-eating types, let’s be...
I was crouched underneath a horse, checking to see if my nerve block was working. I was starting to sweat and my knees were hurting when someone spoke loudly into my ear. "Dr. Diehl, I’ve referred Wendy M. to you....
Gina Cioli  We know you love your horse—it's a part of who you are. You can take your passion outside of the barnyard with a horseshoe picture frame that can be used to decorate your bedroom. It's fun and creative...
Good news, fans of horses and children’s picture books! REAL COWBOYS, written by Kate Hoefler and illustrated by Jonathan Bean (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2016) has just galloped into bookstores and libraries near you.Today, most children don’t have exposure...
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