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Cattle Events

Learn more about cattle events, or western disciplines involving cattle, such as cutting, barrel racing, roping, team roping, cattle boxing, sorting, etc. Many of the events trace their roots back to ranch work with cattle, and they make up today's modern rodeo. Although rodeos can have a large variety of events, the following are the most popular with horses.

  • Cutting involves a horse's natural ability to "read" a cow in order to cut it out of a herd during competition.
  • Calf and steer roping involves the rider roping the calf or steer while mounted, and in tie-down roping, he quickly dismounts and ties three legs together in a timed event. Breakaway roping does not involve tying the calf's legs.
  • Team roping (aka, heading and heeling) involves two mounted ropers. One ropes the head of the cow and the other ropes the hind feet in the quickest time possible.
  • Cow horse boxing is an event that involves a reining pattern and working a single cow.
  • Cattle sorting competitors must sort a numbered cow out of the herd. However, how the sorting is done depends on if it is team sorting or ranch sorting.
  • Team penning requires sorting three cattle with the same number out of a herd and across a finish line.

In spring 2006, two of HI’s editors, Toni McAllister and Micaela Myers, attended a Galles-Harrel cutting clinic in Menifee, Calif., the home of world champion cutter Leon Harrel and his business partner, cutting competitor Rick Galles of Indy 500...
An ill-fitting saddle can cause training and behavior problems as well as unsoundness in the horse's back. While many riders are aware of the importance of saddle fit, no scientific evaluation of western saddle fit had been published until...
Cutting, reining and working cow horse competitions share many similarities, one of which is the rollback. Whether executed while working a cow or when riding a reining pattern, the rollback is the most efficient way for the horse to...
Q. My 6-year-old barrel horse runs to the first barrel and home from the last barrel well, but between barrels she shuts off and practically lopes. I’ve tried kicking and even a crop and spurs to no avail. My...
The newest competitive event sanctioned by the American Quarter Horse Association is ranch sorting. Similar to the popular sport of team penning, ranch sorting involves a pair of riders, some cattle with numbers on their hides, a designated holding...

Team Penning

Teamwork, speed, skill and communication all tie in with a little luck for the western sport of team penning.It all started years ago with a practical objective. In order to brand, doctor or transport single cows, ranchers first had...
In the Old West tradition, horses earned their keep when gathering and trailing cattle on the open range. In fact, getting a herd of cattle to market in those days took a top hand mounted on a horse with...
 A systematic training approach addresses your horse’s fitness from head to tail. Whether you run barrels or trail ride, regular use of basic dressage movements can improve your horse’s athleticism, achieve a deeper level of communication and responsiveness and...
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