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Horse Dressage

Many Horse Illustrated readers love this discipline and/or practice parts of it to improve their riding in other disciplines. This Olympic equestrian discipline, which also means "training," involves training the horse up through set levels using specific movements put together in a pattern, called a test. Competitions are available for riders of all levels. The United States Dressage Federation governs competitions in the U.S. Horses of all breeds are capable of participating in the sport, and exercises can improve any riding horse's skills, and that of his rider. In addition, Horse Illustrated publishes news from this discipline as well as features on how to do certain movements, how to participate in the sport, stories from riders in the discipline, and more.

Q.  I ride lower-level dressage and am having trouble getting my horse to halt square. Can you give some pointers? How can I feel the square halt?A. The halt is an important skill to master because not only do...
Are you a reining queen or a dressage diva? Does your adrenaline rise with the sight of western spins and stops, or are you left speechless during the demonstration of tempi changes and piaffes? Watch as dressage Olympian Charlotte...
Authored by some of the most experienced Federation Equestre Internationale (FEI) dressage judges, this new "bible" is invaluable to dressage judges--as well as riders and trainers at all levels. It not only helps provide a better understanding of how...
Download a printable version of this pageIf you grew up riding hunters 20 years ago, chances are you mastered the art of braiding a hunter’s mane. It was simply part of a show horse’s turnout. But with unrated divisions...
There is more to dressage competition than the ability to create a good pattern. Correct basics, a proper seat and a display of good horsemanship can go far to impress a judge. However, you can also leave a bad...

On-the-aids goes out the window when you ask for canter. Your horse trots faster and faster until he finally plunges into canter, which he maintains only for a few unbalanced moments before he falls back into that equally not-fun-at-all...
What’s wrong with this scenario? Why aren’t the horse and rider on the same wavelength? There are several possible reasons. Horses can run from the pain of an ill-fitting saddle or bit, problems with their teeth or a wide...
Dressage rider at a schooling show

Fixing Falling In

Circle too small, horse falling off the rail, rider cutting corner, horse weaving down the centerline ... Do these judge’s comments seem familiar? They do to many riders; and like many riders I’ve had them on my own score...
Did you know that the word "dressage” comes from a French word that means "to train”? Every time you sit on a horse and school him on the flat, you are doing dressage. Doing flatwork may seem boring at...
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