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Horse Eventing

Three-day eventing—also known as eventing, combined training, and/or horse trials—is one of the Olympic equestrian disciplines governed internationally by the International Equestrian Federation and by the United States Eventing Association (USEA) in the U.S. It involves a horse-and-rider competing in three sports—dressage, cross-country, and show jumping. The name can be misleading since some events at lower levels run over one day while the highest-level international competitions run over four days, depending on the number of entries. This discipline is also known as the triathlon of equestrian sports. Horse Illustrated covers news and publishes features on how to get started, how to improve yours and your horse's skills, exercises to do for practice, tack and gear options, stories from participants in the discipline, and more.

On-the-aids goes out the window when you ask for canter. Your horse trots faster and faster until he finally plunges into canter, which he maintains only for a few unbalanced moments before he falls back into that equally not-fun-at-all...
Horse refusing a jump

Stop Jumping Refusals

What happened? You were galloping down to a jump, your horse’s ears were up, and your eyes were analyzing the approach for a correct take-off spot. In your heart, you sensed a blue ribbon. But then, your horse made...
Here are some basic philosophies to keep in mind when jumping:Build confidence from the start. Never test a young horse's courage over fences; give him a chance to learn how to be brave in...

Longeing Safely

Don’t forget your safety sense when longeing. The following guidelines will help keep you safe. Equipment: A cotton longeline, rather than synthetic, will stop rope burns.  A broken...
Haunches-in (or travers) is the most advanced way to teach your horse inside bend. For a correct haunches-in, your horse must move with his front legs and shoulders on the track and his haunches off the track. It isn’t...
Stiffness in the saddle is one of the biggest hidden handicaps to good riding — not the obvious stiffness that shows itself through muscular pains in the neck, arms or legs, but rather an underlying tension that...
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