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Natural Horsemanship

Learn more about the techniques that are used for horse training that tap into a horse's natural instincts and methods of communication instead of using force. Natural horsemanship is a more gentle method of training that uses pressure and release of pressure to achieve the same goals that force and fear have achieved from harsher methods in the past. It's becoming a much more common and accepted method of training. The trainer tries to keep the horse calm throughout training, which helps build a feeling of safety and trust between horse and trainer. This increases bonding. Natural horsemanship trainers have seen amazing results using these methods.

Teach your horse to pick up and hold his own feet: How do you pick up your horse’s feet?  Do you pinch the tendon at the fetlock to get him to wince just enough for you to grab his...
Horses as prey animals are instinctively programmed to do the opposite of what predators want. Our biggest challenge is to prove to the horse that even though we look and smell like a predator we really are not. You...
polo wraps

Round Pen Training

Wouldn't it be nice to find a single tool that would get your horse's attention, lengthen and shorten his stride, increase his balance, tune up his cadence, fix his rollbacks, teach him to drive and allow him to blow...
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