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Natural Horsemanship

Learn more about the techniques that are used for horse training that tap into a horse's natural instincts and methods of communication instead of using force. Natural horsemanship is a more gentle method of training that uses pressure and release of pressure to achieve the same goals that force and fear have achieved from harsher methods in the past. It's becoming a much more common and accepted method of training. The trainer tries to keep the horse calm throughout training, which helps build a feeling of safety and trust between horse and trainer. This increases bonding. Natural horsemanship trainers have seen amazing results using these methods.

Two common themes arose when some noteworthy ladies of the equine world got together for International Women's Day in conversation about the past, present, and future of the horse industry. During The Trailblazing Horsewomen Livestream, presented by StreamHorseTV and...
Will your horse allow you to pick up and swing a rain slicker? The noise and fast-moving fabric on both sides of his body can be spook-inducing. Whether you’re preparing for a trail class that includes the slicker as...
Partnership with your horse, fun with friends, the opportunity to showcase your skills: the International Liberty Horse Association (ILHA), a new organization dedicated to liberty training, now offers opportunities to liberty fans worldwide.From Roman riding bareback to jumping without...
Road to the Horse 2020 is packed with talent! The complete lineup of championship competitors and Wild Cards have been announced, and fans couldn’t be more excited. A perfect blend of fresh faces and veteran competitors will enter the...
Hand-feeding your horse treats will make him mouthy, disrespectful, and dangerous!This conventional rule of horsemanship has been taught for years. In truth, many horses accept food without a hint of adverse behavior. Some do become overly excited when tempted...
Horses are sensitive, but also easy to desensitize. With anything new, a horse will likely react at first. That’s his prey-animal reaction to anything new that could be a threat. Within a split second, horses must decide whether they...
Some riders believe that their horse doesn't need purposeful groundwork, others swear by it. Read on to learn more about groundwork for your horse.Some riders hop on and never think of working from the ground before proceeding with mounted...
There are many important skills for when the vet visits for your horse to learn, including standing still. Read for tips on preparing your horse for such a visit.When an emergency is happening, it’s too late to train your...
western snaffle bit

Equine Motivation

 When you train a horse, it’s all about making him feel comfortable when he does the right thing and less so when he does the wrong thing.That training philosophy is based on the horse’s motivation.Horses aren’t motivated by...
Q: Knowing my horses and which is more dominant, should I feed in a specific order at feeding time and turn them out in a certain order? A: The pecking order of your herd matters, and it’s helpful to...
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