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Horse Riding and Training

Horse Illustrated's riding and training articles cover a variety of disciplines, training techniques, how to get started with horses, and much more. This category includes articles about English and Western riding, trail and recreational riding, horse shows and competitions, all of the various disciplines, groundwork, natural horsemanship, camps, lessons, and youth and collegiate topics. Examples of articles include how to get started in different disciplines, juggling horses and life, how to be a better rider, tips for western and English riders, improving your jumping, stories from horse people about their equestrian adventures, dealing with issues during outings on your horse, and much more.

Q. What is the difference between a side check and an overcheck? Do they make a huge difference in performance or purpose?A. There is a huge difference between an overcheck and a side check.The overcheck is a strap that...
Q. At what age should a horse begin getting introduced to the cart?A. Horses can be started in harness as older 2 year olds, but keep in mind, their attention span--or lack of it--at this young age. In my...
Decorative markings brushed into the horse’s coat--quarter marks--enhance the conformation of a well-muscled hip and croup, and draw attention to the cleanliness and shine of a well-conditioned show horse. Quarter marks not only highlight a horse’s conformation and give...
Many saddle seat riders believe their sport is misunderstood by those unfamiliar with the discipline. Here, Carole Stohlmann, a United States Equestrian Federation "R” saddle seat equitation, Arabian, National Show Horse and Saddlebred judge from Oklahoma City, clears up...
Download a printable (pdf) version of this horse show checklistPaperwork:Map to showgrounds Show information Rulebook Membership cards Horse registration Health certificate, coggins, other required veterinary information Emergency telephone numbers Test booklet (dressage riders); NRHA patterns (reiners) Checkbook/wallet/I.D. Veterinarian...
The purpose of the showmanship class is for exhibitors to demonstrate their ability to show their horses, rather than showcasing the horse himself.  In showmanship, the horse’s conformation is not judged. However, how the horse is turned out is...
Reader's Question: My mare recently kicked me when I was cleaning her corral. It's not the first time she's kicked someone. What can I do to teach her not to kick humans? Parelli's Answer: Horses kick for two reasons: fear...
Download a printable version of this pageIf you grew up riding hunters 20 years ago, chances are you mastered the art of braiding a hunter’s mane. It was simply part of a show horse’s turnout. But with unrated divisions...
Click here to download a pdf of this page.A neatly braided tail accentuates a hunter’s hindquarters. It adds to the overall picture of refinement and elegance, which makes it a pity that braided tails are rarely seen outside the...
The popular saying, “talk to the hand because the face isn’t listening,” exemplifies rudeness in the world today. If you throw your hand up in someone’s face and say that, you are pretty much guaranteed to get a strong,...
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