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Horse Riding and Training

Horse Illustrated's riding and training articles cover a variety of disciplines, training techniques, how to get started with horses, and much more. This category includes articles about English and Western riding, trail and recreational riding, horse shows and competitions, all of the various disciplines, groundwork, natural horsemanship, camps, lessons, and youth and collegiate topics. Examples of articles include how to get started in different disciplines, juggling horses and life, how to be a better rider, tips for western and English riders, improving your jumping, stories from horse people about their equestrian adventures, dealing with issues during outings on your horse, and much more.

Reader's Question: My gelding tries to put everything in his mouth. When I put on his halter or bridle, he usually grabs it with his mouth and doesn’t like to let go. How can I stop this bad habit?Parellis'...
He’s not known as being a very amicable horse. In fact, John Henry is liable to bite the hand that feeds him, literally, at his home in Kentucky Horse Park. But the cantankerous old man will have to accept...
The newest competitive event sanctioned by the American Quarter Horse Association is ranch sorting. Similar to the popular sport of team penning, ranch sorting involves a pair of riders, some cattle with numbers on their hides, a designated holding...
Ever wonder why sometimes you and your horse can’t quite put in a great round over jumps? Maybe the problem isn’t the jumps themselves, but rather your approaches to them. You can improve your ride to the jump by...
Horses rest in the trailer after arriving at their destination. Teaching your horse to unload carefully will make all of your travels safer and easier. Photo: Bugeater/flickr.com.  Many people think that once they’ve taught their horses to load, their trailering...
Q.  My 5-year-old gelding holds a quiet, steady rhythm to his jumps, but he tends to land on his forehand and gets strung out after the fences. What can I do about this?A.  Your problem is not unusual. Although...
Q. I am training my 4-year-old horse for western pleasure. She has the headset and the nice slow speed at the walk and the jog; however, no matter what I do, her head is high and she is really...
Q.  I currently ride my 10-year-old gelding in jumper classes. He is very smart and a beautiful jumper, but he is also very sensitive. When we come up to a fence, he gets kind of strong, so I tense...

Nail That Lead

Teaching your horse to lope off on the correct lead can be achieved in three simple steps: the set-up, the cue and the release. World-champion reining trainer Casey Deary, of Deary Performance Horses in Weatherford, Texas, explains how. Step 1:...
There is more to dressage competition than the ability to create a good pattern. Correct basics, a proper seat and a display of good horsemanship can go far to impress a judge. However, you can also leave a bad...
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