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Horse Riding and Training

Horse Illustrated's riding and training articles cover a variety of disciplines, training techniques, how to get started with horses, and much more. This category includes articles about English and Western riding, trail and recreational riding, horse shows and competitions, all of the various disciplines, groundwork, natural horsemanship, camps, lessons, and youth and collegiate topics. Examples of articles include how to get started in different disciplines, juggling horses and life, how to be a better rider, tips for western and English riders, improving your jumping, stories from horse people about their equestrian adventures, dealing with issues during outings on your horse, and much more.

Stay Clean at Shows

When it comes to grooming for a show, most of an equestrian’s energy ends up focused on the horse; but a rider’s turnout needs to be neat and tidy, too. Here are some strategies to help you stay as spotless as...

Proof Is In The Pasture

Pasture-kept horses have the ability to interact socially and are exposed to a rich environment, but have less contact with humans than their stall-kept counterparts. A 1997 study* has found that in spite of decreased human intervention, young pasture...

Hauling Tips

The Center for Equine Health at UC Davis recently conducted studies on transported horses. The following tips are among their recommendations: • Avoid shipping sick horses unless it's an emergency.• During long trips (six to eight hours) avoid restricting the horse's head...

On the Road

When traveling with your horse, whether it’s local or across state lines, government officials are probably going to ask you for certain documentation along the way. A health certificate and proof of a negative Coggins test may be all...

Flu Signs

If your horse travels or is exposed to unfamiliar horses on a regular basis, talk to your veterinarian about regular immunization against equine influenza. While it’s true that influenza viruses do evolve to bypass the horse’s immune defense, you...
Q: I’m having trouble getting my horse to take the lead I want. Do you have any suggestions?A: Watch this video to learn some easy maneuvers that will help you gain control of your horse’s body position so that...
Q. How do I get started in the sport of competitive trail riding? A. The first thing you will want to do is check the websites of the various Competitive Trail Ride (CTR) organizations to find rides that are near...
john lyons

Buddy Sour

Q: I have two horses, and whenever I try to ride one, the other one goes crazy in his pen. He works himself into a sweat, and I’m afraid he’s going to hurt himself or get sick from it....
Q: My horse tosses his head constantly. I had the veterinarian out, and she says his teeth are fine. I even asked a trainer to help me find a comfortable bit and adjust my horse’s headstall, but he still...
Q.  At a recent show, both the judge and my trainer said I didn't place well because my young, green horse swapped his leads in the lines and at the base of most of the jumps. Why would my...
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