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Horse Riding and Training

Horse Illustrated's riding and training articles cover a variety of disciplines, training techniques, how to get started with horses, and much more. This category includes articles about English and Western riding, trail and recreational riding, horse shows and competitions, all of the various disciplines, groundwork, natural horsemanship, camps, lessons, and youth and collegiate topics. Examples of articles include how to get started in different disciplines, juggling horses and life, how to be a better rider, tips for western and English riders, improving your jumping, stories from horse people about their equestrian adventures, dealing with issues during outings on your horse, and much more.

trailer driving

30 Trailering Tips

Even if you don’t own a horse trailer, your horse needs to know how to load easily in case of an emergency. If possible, carry two spare tires for your...
Whether your young horse has come of age, or your more mature mount is ready for a change of careers, you won’t get far by simply pointing him at a cloverleaf pattern and hoping for the best. Champion barrel...

Riding the Run

Aside from the thrill of speed, what draws many riders to barrel racing is the fact that it’s a purely objective competition. You don’t need a lot of silver on your saddle, the latest show apparel or the best-bred...
Does your horse behave as if his feet are a little "ouchy" after a long trail ride over rough terrain? Are his tootsies tired by the end of a long day of showing? Of course, establish that this is...
Training your horse to maneuver through and over various western trail class obstacles will also teach him to calmly negotiate many, if not most, natural obstacles found out on the trail. As a bonus you'll discover that your own...
 A systematic training approach addresses your horse’s fitness from head to tail. Whether you run barrels or trail ride, regular use of basic dressage movements can improve your horse’s athleticism, achieve a deeper level of communication and responsiveness and...

Safe Trailering

It’s easy to get complacent when hauling horses. Months or years of incident-free trips can give any driver a false sense of security. And while it’s true that confidence is a good thing, a little bit of caution can...
Sometimes we become so relaxed around our horses and so nonchalant about our daily routines, that we forget safety issues. For example, when longeing a horse it's easy to forget that we're in a very vulnerable position when we...
Aside from barrel racing, pole bending is the most popular speed event in America. Throughout show season, at local competitions, gymkhanas and breed shows, you’ll find the top riders dashing through a set of six poles so fast it’s...
Dressage rider at a schooling show

Fixing Falling In

Circle too small, horse falling off the rail, rider cutting corner, horse weaving down the centerline ... Do these judge’s comments seem familiar? They do to many riders; and like many riders I’ve had them on my own score...
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