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Western Riding

Horse Illustrated covers anything you can think of related to western riding, including how-tos, tips from experts, discipline specifics, and more. Disciplines included are: western pleasure, western dressage, reining, speed events like barrel racing, and cattle events like cutting and team penning. Many riders start out riding in this style, especially in the Western states, and then progress into one of the disciplines above. Some of the topics covered include introducing your horse to cattle, how to ride the rollback, how to cue the lope, how to go bitless, selecting a hat for the show pen, showmanship, and much more.

The temperatures are hot at the Kentucky Horse Park, but the competition is hotter. Day 1 of preliminary competition is complete at the Retired Racehorse Project Thoroughbred Makeover and National Symposium 2019 , presented by Thoroughbred Charities of America.Just...
Slow and steady wins the race, right? However, a lackadaisical horse isn’t always a good thing. When you feel like your legs will fall off from constantly nudging your lazy horse along or you’re frustrated with his lack of...
Here are some tips on how to choose a western bit suitable for your horse:Western horses are ridden in both snaffle bits and curb bits. Snaffle bits work via direct pressure while curb bits employ leverage. Young or...
Few things are more annoying than a horse that tosses his head under saddle. It’s hard to focus or get your horse to pay attention, and an irritated horse can’t do his job well. Frustrated with your horse’s head-tossing?...
Any horse can buck—that’s just how they’re wired. Whether you’re logging a young horse’s very first trip under saddle or trying to stay aboard a frisky older horse, knowing how to minimize, ride through, and maybe even prevent future...
If you’re a western rider, you probably sit when your horse trots (unless your horse is long-trotting, when you may stand in your stirrups for comfort). But while posting at the trot is unacceptable in the show pen in...
If you have a finished horse that doesn’t need a lot of work on the barrel pattern, the last thing you want to do is drill the cloverleaf over and over while you work to perfect your seat and...
Cade McCutcheon has spent most of his 18 years aboard reining horses. His dad Tom McCutcheon, mom Mandy McCutcheon, grandparents Tim and Colleen McQuay, and numerous members of his extended family are all super-successful horsemen. But he’s already received...
The rollback is a distinctive reining maneuver designed to showcase the performance horse’s athletic ability and willingness to be guided. A fast approach, showy sliding stop, snappy 180-degree turn on the haunches and an explosive takeoff are all important...

Sidepass Solution

Q: I’m having trouble getting my horse to sidepass. He wants to go forward, backward, or sideways with his body crooked. How can I get him to do it correctly?A: The fix for your horse’s sidepass is improved body...
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