
    Digital Access – Horse Illustrated

    Digital Access

    Thank you for your interest in the digital subscription program.  We have decided to stop producing it and instead explore other digital products that will serve you better.  In fact you’ll see some progress soon with the re-launch of our website.  Please keep checking in to view our progress.

    Q.  Why are you ending the program?
      This particular product is not a big hit with the majority of our readers, and we have decided to stop producing it and instead explore other digital products that will serve you better.

    Q.  Are you closing the magazine too?
    No, the print magazine will continue.  Only the digital subscription portion is closing.

    Q.  Can I still access the digital issues I’ve already received?
      Unfortunately, you will not be able access any digital issues at this time.

    Q.  Will you offer a digital-only subscription?
      We have decided to explore that on a magazine-by-magazine basis.  If this is something you would be interested in receiving, then please let us know via our Facebook page.

    Q.  I read my edition on the Nook.  Will that be ending too?
      We will continue to offer Horse Illustrated on the Nook.



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