Introducing a New Horse to the Herd


    •  Introducing a New Horse to the Herd

    Reading assignmentReading Assignment: Learn proper quarantine procedures, vaccination protocol and how to safely introduce a horse to his new herdmates.
    ChartChecklist: A list of everything that should be done when introducing a new horse to an existing herd
    QuizQuiz: Take these 5 questions on proper quarantine and vaccination procedures for a new horse.


    Instructor:Anna O’Brien, DVM, is a large animal veterinarian in Maryland. From miniature horses to zebras, she has tackled anything equine in nature with a few cows, goats, sheep, pigs, llamas, and alpacas thrown in for good measure.


    EXTRA CREDIT: Core Vaccines

    Read the above materials, then take this quiz on core vaccines and earn extra credit point towards you Club Horse account!
    Take the quiz now >>

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