8 Ways to Help the Horse Industry for #GivingTuesdayNow

Person Riding - #GivingTuesdayNow Horse
Photo by nd3000/Shutterstock

In light of the global pandemic, industries across the world are promoting May 5, 2020, as #GivingTuesdayNow, a day of global action for giving and unity in response to COVID-19. The #GivingTuesdayNow movement is inspired by the #GivingTuesday movement, which occurs each year after Black Friday and Cyber Monday. This worldwide movement formed in response to the unprecedented tragedies and need caused by the novel coronavirus that is sweeping the globe. #GivingTuesdayNow aims to meet industry and commnity needs with unity and generosity by the general public. If you are able to contribute financially, or otherwise, to the horse industry for #GivingTuesdayNow, then we offer eight ways in which you can participate in the movement.

Helping Horses for #GivingTuesdayNow

1. Purchase riding lessons for the fall. Lesson barns could use the added cash flow now to keep their horses fed and to pay their staff.

2. Donate to an equine rescue. This donation doesn’t have to be via check. Check with the rescue, and if they need, your donation could be made in hay, feed, or even through volunteering your time and efforts to the rescue (while adhering to the social distancing measures they have put in place, of course). Volunteering could include helping organize adoptions and fostering, fundraising, and advocating on social media.

3. Donate supplies to your local stable. Call ahead and see if there is anything the stable desperately needs. Many keep a running wish list.

4. Offer services for free to a horse business in trouble. You could help a struggling business by providing services in accounting, landscaping, marketing, website maintenance, etc. If you have a skill set you know can be beneficial to a horse business in trouble in some way, reach out and let them know. They will be more than happy to incorporate you and your services into their team. Who knows, maybe you’ll love it and will want to continue being a part of the business beyond COVID-19 times.

5. Adopt or foster a horse. Many horses are now displaced due to COVID-19 thrusting owners into a place where they can no longer financially care for their horse. And the longer the situation continues, the more horses that will become horses in transition. If you have been looking into adopting a horse, or even fostering one, and are still able, now is a great time to do so as many equine shelters are overwhelmed. To foster or adopt, check out www.myrighthorse.org for more information and to browse available horses.

6. Promote #GivingTuesdayNow on your social media accounts, especially in regard to the horse industry. Directly message, snap, e-mail, text, and call your friends who are passionate about horses and the horse industry to let them know about the movement! You can even share this article to your social media platforms. Encourage those around you to participate in any way they can, even if that is just through additional awareness.

7. Collect donations for a horse-related non-profit. Take some time to research horse-related non-profit organizations, see which one you connect with the most and are inspired by, donate if you can, and then encourage others to donate. There are numerous ways in which you can begin donation pages on social media platforms in order to reach a broader audience and to encourage friends and family to donate to horse-related non-profits that need our help during this time. To learn more and participate in #GivingTuesdayNow, visit the GivingTuesday websiteFacebook page or follow @GivingTuesday and #GivingTuesday on Twitter. For youth interested in joining the movement, visit GivingTuesdayKids.org for inspiration and project ideas

8. Reach out to your beloved friends who own or take care of horses to see if they need help. They may be struggling to take care of their horse(s) during this trying time. There could be many ways in which you can help them. Moreover, aside from just friends and family, let your local barn manager know that you are willing to help out other horse owners at their barn in any way that you are needed during this tough period.

As always, these suggestions are crafted for people who are in a position to donate their time and resources to #GivingTuesdayNow to help the horse industry. Do not feel pressured in any way to contribute if you are experiencing distress during this time—mentally, physically, or otherwise—and especially if you are experiencing financial uncertainty. Keep in mind that one of the best ways in which one can contribute to this global movement is through spreading awareness (#6) about community and industry related issues. A simple share of a #GivingTuesdayNow post is effortless, free, and could inspire many others to get involved.

Further Reading


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