HI Spy: What will your equestrian life be like in ten years?


Mares and Foals
Look into your crystal ball. What do you see?
Probably—and hopefully—lots of horses.

None of us know with certainty what the future
holds, but we can take a good guess. Imagine your life in the year 2022. If you’re
just starting out now with riding lessons, perhaps you see yourself as an
experienced equestrian and a horse owner in the future. Maybe you’re training
hard today so that you can be working towards an Olympic qualification for
2024. Or if you’re a rider of a certain age, perhaps you see yourself winding
down a bit and spending your golden years on the back of a reliable trail

On the other hand, if you’ve got a reasonably young
horse and a happy farm today, your vision for 2022 might just be to still be
enjoying the company of the same horse on the same farm with the same friends.

Ten years ago, you could not connect to your
favorite equine retailers or celebrity trainers via Facebook and twitter. You
couldn’t upload videos of your rides to YouTube (or to HorseChannel.com, for
that matter) and get critiques from strangers thousands of miles away. When you
look into the future, do you think major changes in technology will affect the
horse world?

Click “Submit a Comment” below and share what you
think the future holds for the horse world and for yourself as an equestrian.

One selected response may be selected by the editors to win a monthly prize! If you would like to be eligible for the prize, please include your email address in the comment form (email addresses are not publicly displayed.)

See all HI Spy Questions >> 



  1. I am starting school for equine science in the fall. Hopefully in ten years, I will be working my way up in the horse world. I don’t know exactly whether I will be at a racing stable, breeding farm, or show barn. There are just so many possibilities!

  2. In ten years, hopefully, I will be a NRHA member and a successful competitor and will have greatly improved my riding and training skills. If that happens, (assuming reining is ever added as an Olympic sport) I would think my young horse Tomahawk and I would qualify for the 2024 Olympics.

  3. Hopefully, in ten years I will be running a succesful jumper stable and competing my horses, especially Pogo, state and maybe nationally!

  4. I hope that in 10 years i will be done with veternary school and on my way to become an natuarl healer for horses! i’v wanted to for sooo long! oh and i also hope to still be riding my gorgous mare Ginger

  5. Ten years from now I hope to at least be started in school to become a holistic veterinarian (working mostly with horses). I also would love to be competing in dressage, working my way up through the levels.

  6. Ten years from now i want to run a very successful equine rescue chairty barn. I would love in the future to save dozens of horse from a terrible fate they never would have deserved.

  7. Ten years from now, I hope to be training horses professionally, and practicing natural remedies and alternative methods of caring for horses. I also plan to be a extremely faithful subscriber to Horse Illustrated! I love the magizene!!

  8. In ten years i hope to be living on a horse ranch in nevada or colorado. Somewhere with hills and mountains. I also hope to be a succesful barrel racer with my quarter horse!

  9. In ten years from now I hope to have a horse crazy family of my own and train horses for a living. I hope that I can help abused and wild horses find loving and trusting homes. If neither of these work out though I just hope to have a horse of my own to be able to ride whenever I want to.

  10. I hope that in ten years, I will finally have my own horse and be very accomplished at dressage ( I’m currently 9 months into introductory level) .

  11. In 10 years I hope my horsey life will be having my own horse rescue. I would adopt out horses that were previously neglected, abused, slaughter bound, etc. and rehab them so they could go to loving, forever homes. Making the horses feel good would make me feel good!

  12. In 10 years I would like to own my own horses and my own barn. As well as having a boarding farm and giving lessons I would like to be a professional rider in showjumping and reining. I also hope to be on the 2024 Olympics! I know I have big goals but I know I can get there!

  13. In ten years, I will be out of the horse related college courses I took. I will have taken Equine Management at the University of Kentucky. That will help me with my huge barn with horses of all breeds and disciplines. I will show in many different classes but primarily show jumping. And I will be taking great care of the now retired Arabian gelding I’ve had ever since I was 8. I will be living my dream life!

  14. I have a few goals that I hope to have accomplished in ten years from now. After I graduate from school, I will acquire my certification as a professional horse trainer, specializing in problem horses. I will be successfully training these horses at a nearby stable, and building my own barn where my clients can board their horses while I work with them. I will have rescued a few horses and helped nurse them back to health and happiness.
    Although it is my dream to reach these goals, the most important thing that I will still have in ten years is Goldie, my beautiful mare and perfect partner.

  15. I will be barrel racing, pole bending, reining, cutting, trail riding and training!(By the time I’m 13, I’m already have trained two horses.) 🙂

  16. In ten years I will be out of college and will be done competing in their equestrian team. I will be the proud owner of a horse and working towards my goal of going to the olympics for eventing. In the mean time I will be training horses and teaching young riders how to do the two things I love the most…horseback riding and horse care!

  17. In ten years I will still be the horse crazy girl I have always been, whether I have horse or not! I really hope to finally have my own horse though…
    In the meantime I will continue riding as much as I can and furthering my skills as an equine artist. 🙂

  18. I will be 25 and finally have my very own horse (or two)! I will also hopefully be training horses full time as that has been my dream for as long as I can remember.

  19. In ten years I will be 23. I will NOT be owning my own horse because I’d rather ride as many different types of horses as possiable to make myself a better rider. hopefully I would’ve compeated in the McLay Equtation ring. I would be trainind hunter horses and ponies for other people as well as buying and selling hunters and EQ. horses. I hope to still be with my wonderful trainer and still be located in Massachusetts. Thats what I hope to be doing.

  20. In ten years, I hope to be living my lifelong dream of working with racehorses. But if that isn’t meant to be, I would like to train both horses and their riders, and I hope to be the kind of horsewoman that newcomers to the horse world can trust. I am certain that I will be using all of the lessons that my mare has taught me about horses- and life- in my future!

  21. I hope to have saved enough to buy a ranch,stables and stock by the time I’m 26. 100 crossbred cattle( because of hybrid vigor), 2-3 Suffolk Punch (because they’re still solid work horses not ruined by show standerds and rare in the U.S.), Welsh Cobs section C (I own one and he’s proof that they stay sound in the future after the future I would like to breed to them to TB for a sport horses to ride, QH for a stock ponies to ride,or Arabs for endurance horses that aren’t so ‘hot’). I want to try endurance, barrel racing, and showing outside of 4-h. I see myself married and hauling my kids around to shows and showing myself. Not only horses but beef cattle. I’m doing liberty, driving – soon pulling, and riding western and bareback and I hope to train others horses from the ranch. I’ll also have chickens and a milk cow. I invison myself making a living and enjoying life with my family -human,equine,bovine,and poultry. And I never rule out the possible twists I may take and do.

  22. My equestrian dream in ten years is to be living in the Bluegrass area of Kentucky and to have my own equestrain stable. I want to be an Arabian show horse breeder snd a breeder of Pinto National Show Horses as well as to give riding lessons in both western and english. I would also love to gualify for competition in the 2024 Olympics in Grand Prix Dressage.

  23. I hope that in less than a year, I can learn English. During college, I hope to minor in equestrian studies and join a team. After college, with a steady job, I want to travel a round and mentor with a variety of horsemen and women.

  24. I Hope in Ten Years or less I will have a Barn with Rescued Horses and Mustangs (and of course any other horses that come along)! I hope to Train and help teach others about riding and caring for horses as well!

  25. I imagine my self owning a Grand Prix jumper and going around winning lots of ribbons. Also training other Grand Prix jumpers. I also want to keep Mercy and give her a good home her whole life.

  26. In ten years, I hope I will be teaching my own children how to ride aboard my Haflinger, who will then be at the dependable age of 15. By then, I hope he will be child-safe!

  27. In ten years I see myself attending classes in veterianary college, and, of course, doing eventing with my big, loving, chestnut gelding. Who will be about 16.

  28. I am in pony club and i am going to get my D-1 within a few weeks, so in 10 years a hope to have my A rating and have my own training stables and compete in my free time, and to still be learning all that i can 🙂

  29. In ten years,I plan to be in college studying in order,one or two at a time: therapeutic riding instruction,business managemant,animal science and large animal nutrition.I plan to intern at a stable/equine facility and eventually own my own my own horse training/therapeutic/able-bodied lessons business.

  30. Ten years from now, I hope to own a a 60 acre horse rescue center out West. I also imagine myself competing in barrel racing competitions on a new horse in my free time. And I will hopefully still have my three miniature horses, and we can develop deeper bonds.

  31. 10 years from now, I hope to be with my horses both in the saddle and in my writing. It’s my dream to write about horses and every aspect of them to help the next generation of girls who get the horse bug!

  32. in 19 years i hope to still be riding moetown who will be 17yrs, caring for buck in his retirement years of 27, still in love with the same man still loving our passion and racing thoroughbreds, and still be doing all the horse and barn chores myself at 58 yrs

  33. In 10yrs I hope to still own my first horse, Willow, who by then will be 15. Also going strong by owning my own land for the first time where i can have Willow and hopefully a colt, that i will train, at home.

  34. In 10 years I hope to have a nice barn for my horse and future horses. I am hoping to make an impact on kids life through horse. How ? Im not sure yet but with my horse by my side and 10 years , I’ll figure it out.

  35. In ten years I will be going through college maybe done. I hope to be in horse health college working to become a Grand Prix jumper.Big dreams! Hope they come true but then again cant sit around and hope for the best got to work hard and earn it. 🙂

  36. In ten years I hope to have a nice ranch with a big barn and alot of land to ride on and enjoy. I will also have finished college, at a horse college,and I want to be a natural horse trainer and have my own horse rescue.

  37. in 10 years i hope to still own a horse and start thinking about building a barn for my horses. Also enter alot of shows with a good horse!!!!!

  38. Hmmm, what I can see myself doing 10 years from now, well, I’ll probably work as a riding instructor at a hunter/jumper barn until I can get my own small hunter/jumper barn. I would also like to have a couple horses for therapeutic riding for for children and adults that have disabilities.

  39. I see myself managing a large breeding farm/boarding stable as I train and care for horses. And OF COURSE, riding my favorate trail horse, on a nice, relaxed, walk through the woods.

  40. 10 years down the road I see myself going to college and hauling my horse Zues there with me. So when I have a long day all I have to do is go to see him with his perked up ears waiting for an apple and a ride. I hope that we will still strongly be riding up and down those hills.

  41. In ten years, I would be with my most favorite horse in the world, Sunny. We would be training for the Extreme Cowboy Races, which is my dream to enter and come in fist or second place!

  42. In ten years, I will hopefully be running a ranch out in Wyoming or Colorado with my two best friends! We already know that we will have a pony named fred and a pig named ham 🙂

  43. In ten years I see myself competing in hunter jumper with my Morgan mare. When we’re not competing we’ll be trail riding bareback down to the creek with my best friend and her black Arabian horse.

  44. In ten years, I’ll hopefully still doing what I know and love which is riding, training, and teaching lessons. I’d like to have my own hunter jumper barn by then, with my own school string and show horses!

  45. 10 years into the future, I will be atop a huge Dutch Warmblood, living it up in the Show Jumping ring. I will be clearing huge jumps, and remembering complex jumper courses. I will be on an elegant Hanoverian acing precise, and difficult half-passes and pirouettes in an enormous dressage arena. And last,but not least, I will be atop a comfy pony galloping bareback in an open field. If all fails to happen, I hope in ten years time, I am still doing what I love. Riding horses.

  46. In 10 years I hope to be competeing in cross country & hunter jumper, and have my own stable with a string of good english horses.

  47. In ten years, I hope to have a horsey friend… I’ve wanted a horse all my long, 13, horseless years, but have not gotten any of my Birthday or Christmas wishes yet. But Horse Illustrated has taught me all I can learn, plus more about horses, how to be a better rider, and how to think like a horse. It has helped me tremedously, and has prepared me for that glorious day, when my very own dream horse, a 17 hand bay hanoverian, nickers to me at the gate. You guys keep my dreams alive and are the best magazine i’ve ever recieved!

  48. In ten years from now i would love to have my own horse farm. My mom always wanted a horse farm where she could take in abused horses and have abused or troubled children come and work with the horses. Its great therepy for the horses and the children. I would love to start something like that with my mom.

  49. In ten years from now i would love to have my own horse farm. My mom always wanted a horse farm where she could take in abused horses and have abused or troubled children come and work with the horses. Its great therepy for the horses and the children. I would love to start something like that with my mom.

  50. I hope that in 10 years I will be entering the Olympics. I would also hope that my 2 year old Quarter Horse Filly will be competing in the Quarter Horse Congress along side with me too. I would also love to have a horse breeding, lesson, and compition farm with lots of different horses on it too.

  51. In ten years I hope to be an accomplished dressage rider(I have been riding dressage only a year after 3 years of hunter/jumper) and HOPEFULY have my own horse to live at collage with me.

  52. It sounds plain, but in ten years I’d love to run my own barn for western lessons/boarding. I also see myself doing Therapy Lessons for the troubled/challenged.

  53. Ten years from now I will be just finishing up college and looking for a nice job and home in the country to support my gelding and myself (and hopefully expanding our herd of two).

  54. hmmmm in 10 years i hope to have graduated from college, and to have my own horse rescue. And get a nice pasture buddy for my horse (who might be retired in 10 years).

  55. In 10 years I will have just graduated from college and I hope to be retraining a rescued horse and will hopefully be competing seriously. Oh, and I will work as a horse trainer at a horse rescue.

  56. Hopfully in 10 years i will have graduated from Murray State University and moved to Wyoming on a 1000 acre ranch and be breeding Apendixs, Quarters,Thoroughbreds, and maybe some gaited horses. and i would be a breeder, trainer, and stock contractor. while i would be rodeoing i would still like to tear up the show ring!

  57. I hope to be graduated as an equine vet, rescue horses bound for slaughter, and my main goal is to do good in shows, my lifetime dream. Hopefully train, and give riding lessons. I’ve wanted to do all of those things since I knew how to talk, and who knows, maybe 10 years from now that’s where i’ll be!

  58. Well, I’d like to be riding Lark, my yearling filly, in Rodeo or Reining. I’d also like to have won a few belt buckles. But, enjoying life in the present is my main goal. I don’t like to think of what would be happening ten years from now, not all of it may be good. Right now, my equestrian life is perfectly fine and I wouldn’t change it for the world.
    “Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, Today is a gift, that is why it is called the present.”

  59. In ten years, I’d like to have a horse ranch in a wonderful, grassy place, and be finished with college and working as an equine vet.

  60. In ten years, I hope to have a career as a riding instructor–teaching young horse enthusiasts all about western riding and horse care. Hopefully by then, I’ll have more horses on my farm, too, so I can have more horses to love.

  61. In ten years, I’d love to be working as an equine nutritionist or vet; and have my own self-designed barn, complete with a heated wash room and large indoor and outdoor arenas!

  62. I currently do not have a horse, but I love them more than anything! In ten years I will be 23 and hopefully on the back of an ex-racehorse (preferably a Standardbred). 🙂

  63. When I turn 16 I’m going to become a horse trainer. But in ten years when I’m 23 I plan on going to the Snaffle Bit Futurity. Wish me luck!

  64. In ten years I’ll be 25. I hope to have a large or small horse farm, be training horses for other people and teaching my kids to ride!


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