Identifying Equine Neglect


    The 'Identifying Equine Neglect' class is being held at the KyEHCIdentifying Equine Neglect is a two-hour seminar covering the volunteer role in supporting law enforcement efforts in investigating equine neglect. Participants learn about strategies for working with law enforcement officers, re-feeding the starving horse, and veterinary care for the neglected horse. Fees are $15/person payable to the Kentucky Horse Council. Proceeds will support KHC’s Equine Abuse Investigation Training which teaches Kentucky’s animal control and law enforcement officials. 

    Identifying Equine Neglect
    Sponsored by: Kentucky Equine Humane Center
    Tuesday, August 25, 2009  
    6:30 PM to 8:30 PM EDT
    Speaker: Essie Rogers, Director of Education & Welfare, Kentucky Horse Council
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