Parelli Natural Horsemanship

Get Savvy and Win!

horseillustrated.com and Parelli Natural Horsemanship have teamed up to offer you prizes and knowledge

Each week, Pat and Linda Parelli will post a new challenge question here. Just enter the contest and post your reply to the Parellis. Each week of the contest, visitors with the most compelling responses and the most votes win.

Who are the contest judges? You! Post your reply to the Parellis, then vote (and tell your friends and family to come vote for you too)! Keep in mind, all registered members can vote, so make your post compelling. Each week there will be a new chance to win, so play every week to improve your odds at grabbing a great Parelli prize.  Click here for general contest rules.

After you’re done playing, visit the HorseChannel experts page to read how Pat and Linda help horse people like you solve their training problems. Each week the Parellis will help solve a different training issue.
Get Savvy and Learn!

To view the Parellis’ answer to the first week’s challenge question, Click here >>

Contest Prizes
What is Parelli? DVD“What is Parelli?” DVD

Everyone who enters the contest (one per household) can opt to receive a free “What is Parelli?” DVD to learn more about horses and training from Pat and Linda Parelli.


One Year Savvy Club MembershipOne Year Savvy Club Membership

One winner every week!!!
The Parelli Savvy Club is for serious horse-lovers, those wanting to advance their skills, knowledge and imagination through information from Pat and Linda every month in the form of DVDs, magazines, member’s only website, and more!

Retail Value: $240


Complete Safe KitComplete “Safe” Kit

One winner every week!!!
The Level One Safe Kit special includes:
LEVEL 1 COURSE-IN-A-PACK: taped at a 5-day Level One Course at The Parelli Center; written and edited especially for home study that can be immediately put into action so you can break the pattern and start getting real results.

Also includes visual lessons on DVD and directional pocket guides to use when with your horse. Additionally, you get an audio CD you can listen to over and over while sitting in traffic, along with a Success Map that keeps you realistic about where you’re going and what you’ve already achieved.

Also includes all the equipment you need to apply the lessons in Level One:
Pat Parelli’s Horseman’s Halter, 12-foot Line, Carrot Stick and Savvy String (don’t worry, you’ll know exactly how to use these tools to get results when you start the program).

Retail Value: $382


Raise Your Hand if You Love Horses“Raise Your Hand if You Love Horses” by Pat Parelli

10 winners every week!!!
“Raise Your Hand if You Love Horses” by Pat Parelli chronicles the first 50 years of his life. Pat describes the early experiences that shaped his life in this book and reverently talks about the mentors who’ve influenced his thinking and helped him become a horseman. He details the struggles he’s had to overcome on the long road to success, and explains how he created an unparalleled program to help other people accomplish their goals with horses.

Retail Value: $23.95


Parelli Tour Stop TicketsTour Stop Tickets

Awarded to all winners!!!
Tickets to a two-day Parelli event that challenges what people are told about horse behavior, how horses need to be ridden and cared for and how much more is possible!

Retail Value: $65

*This contest has expired*


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