Horsey Holiday Carrot Wreath


Carrot wreaths are great holiday snacks for your horses

Have you ever seen greeting cards featuring an image of a horse relishing his holiday gift, an evergreen wreath chock full of carrots? We here at Horse Illustrated have. And since we’re just like you, struggling each year to figure out what to give our barn buddies and their favorite equines, we decided to replicate the fabled carrot wreath. It took some experimenting but our test horse, Lexi, seemed to love it.

You’ll need just a few ingredients if you’d like to play Santa. First, buy an imitation evergreen wreath from your local craft store. Fresh evergreens, although they smell great, are very risky. Yew is often used in seasonal wreaths and floral arrangements because it looks nearly identical to pine. It is highly toxic to horses. Mistletoe, cedar and some pines can also cause potentially toxic reactions. To be safe, stick with an artificial wreath with bendable branches. Make sure that it’s constructed with a secure wire frame – so a carrot-crazed horse can’t destroy it, and the giftee can reuse the wreath once the carrot crumbs are brushed away!

Next, buy four bunches of fresh carrots with the curly green tops attached. You’ll also need some green yarn and a roll of wide, colorful holiday ribbon.

The greens used in the wreath need to be artificial because fresh greens can be toxic

Separate the bunches of carrots into groups of two or three. Lay your wreath flat and then arrange your carrots on top of it. Alternate the way the carrots lay, creating a circle of orange atop the greenery. Use pieces of yarn to discreetly tie the groups of carrots to the wire frame underneath the foliage. Make a few loops around the stems of the carrot tops first, and then reach through the artificial evergreen and knot the yarn to the frame. If necessary, bend some of the branches to cradle the carrots. To finish your creation, tie a big, bright bow to the top of the wreath.

Supervision of your horse is a must

Always supervise your horse with the wreath, and remove the carrots to gift them to your horse if necessary. We allowed the ladylike Lexi to do her own carrot removal, however. You can see by our photos how Lexi enjoyed her wreath.

The carrot wreath can get messy but they're still fun for your horse

Although she made a mess of our creation, she seemed to have fun. And isn’t that what the holidays are all about?


Read more ideas for an equestrian Christmas >>

See recipes for homemade horse treats >>


  1. What a great idea – I can’t wait to try it out on
    my boys and girls. I am so thankful for the
    comments on the immitation greenery wreaths vs. the
    real ones. I had wanted to put a wreath on the gate and had not because I was afraid my mischievious gelding would eat it!

  2. I did this for my horse for her Birthday and she LOVED it but i made it toataly edible I used hay insted of evergreedns and i used twine from the bales and i tied some carrots and apples to it and she was all over it! and i put some pepermints inside of the apples (princess’ fav treat is pepermint)


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